Page 110 of Imperfect Player

“Poor guy.”

“I just wish I knew how to make him understand that what his parents did to him isn’t his fault. Maybe then he could move past the drinking and the pushing people away.”

Maybe then he could love me. Really love me.

“I did find a couple programs that I think would be good for him. He can afford anything he needs. It’s just the getting him there that’s going to be the hard part.”

When I hear my phone in my purse, my heart begins to race.

I reach in and answer it, not even bothering to look at the screen.


“Hey, sunshine.”

Relief washes over me at the sound of his voice. His seemingly sober voice.

“Hey. You okay?”

“I think we both know the answer to that.”

“Did something happen?” I ask, excusing myself from the table and stepping outside the Mexican restaurant. “With your dad? Ben?”

“I haven’t been tested, if that’s what you’re asking.”

“I’m just trying to figure out what’s going on. Why you’re calling now when you’ve refused to speak to me for the past week.”

I can hear him curse beneath his breath. “The things I said, the things I did . . . Fuck, Everly I am so damn sorry.”

“It’s okay. I’m okay. I’m just worried about you.”

“I won’t fuck up the shoot tomorrow. I promise.”

The athletic company shoot. A job I had completely spaced on because I am so busy being worried about him.

“I don’t care about that. I care about you. Can I come over? Please?”

“I don’t want you to see me like this.”

“I’ve already seen you like this. I don’t care. It doesn’t change how I feel.”

“It should.”

“It doesn’t.”

“Can I come see you?”

“Not tonight. I just . . . I needed to hear your voice.”

Chapter 32


Tom Petty was right when he said waiting was the hardest part.

I feel like a damn rat in a cage as I sit here, waiting for the results of the test that I put off for way too long.

The minute the photo shoot ended, I pressed a kiss to Everly’s cheek and headed straight for the hospital.