Page 95 of Blood

That’s it.

No heartfelt declaration of love and devotion.

No goodbye.

Perhaps they both feel the sharp scrape of reality, just as I do.

There’s something about uttering those words.


A cold breeze drifts along my arms before digging into my skin and weaving around my bones. There’s a taste of premonition in the air, this acerbic flavor that reminds me of ash.


Dimitri touches the mirror hanging on the wall, and a swirling portal manifests, glimmering a multitude of colors.

With one last helpless look at me, Vin and Frankie step through the portal and disappear from sight.

Then they’re gone.

And we didn’t even say goodbye.

No goodbyes.


Cal and Barret pull me in close, one on either side, and I breathe in their combined scents, relishing the peace that seeps into my bloodstream. My cupid and my boogeyman. My best friends.

Their lips meet my cheeks at the exact same time, one on either side, and goose bumps explode across my body. I shiver delicately, attempting to tug them even closer, before they both step away with grave nods.

Alex is there next, his russet-black eyes ensnaring my own and holding them hostage. The tattoos lining his skin have never appeared more vibrant, stark against his pasty skin. His tongue absently fiddles with his lip ring as he continues to stare at me, not saying a single word. But in that one stare, I can hear everything he doesn’t dare say out loud. That he loves me. That he’ll fight for me. That he’ll protect the others.

We don’t say goodbye.

A body coils around me from behind, and the delicate way he places his hand on my stomach clues me in to the fact that it’s Hux a second before his husky voice rasps, “Be careful, my precious treasure.”

I offer an exaggerated scoff. “Of course, I will. I’m a badass demoness-slash-goddess.”

“Just be careful. Please. We can’t lose you.” That’s...that’s Jack. The tremor rocking his body gives it away, as does the hand suddenly tensing under my stomach, his fingers digging into the smooth skin there where my shirt has risen up.

No goodbyes.

Not a single goodbye.

Dimitri’s ice-blue eyes appear over Alex’s shoulder. When he catches my gaze, he gives a single nod of acknowledgment.

“Violet will be fine.” His jaw clenched tightly, he tilts his chin up, begging the universe itself to defy him. “She’s the strongest monster I know.”

We don’t say goodbye.

Hopefully, I won’t come to regret that decision.

* * *

Balor and I stop at the very edge of Mount Olympus, where the fluffy clouds break off into a clear expanse of light-blue sky.

“This is where my body will leave you,” Balor drawls with a roll of his eyes. “You have only ten minutes before the rest of the army arrives. So...try not to die in the meantime, okay?”