And right now, I know we need the Fomorians on our side.
“Crystal clear, Athena,” I tell her sweetly.
“Perfect.” Her ruby-red lips stretch into a smile. “Then let’s adjourn for today, shall we?”
When my cheese curd texts me the next morning, telling me to drop everything and come to meet her in the living room of the apartment, I do exactly that.
Drop everything and hurry to my beautiful, perfect mate.
I don’t like to admit this aloud, but I’ve been feeling self-conscious about my relationship with Violet over the last few weeks. I know that she cares about me, maybe even loves me, but I can’t help feeling inadequate when compared to her other mates. Does she merely see me as a packaged deal with Cal? Does she care about me the way I do her? She said she did, and I don’t have reason to doubt her, but...
Doubt lingers like a malignant tumor.
To know that she requested my presence has hope unfurling in my gut, so palpable it’s like a living force, a poltergeist strong enough to haunt a centuries old mansion.
I all but race into the living room, desperate to set eyes upon my cheese curd. Is she okay? Is she hurt? Did something happen?
I find my mate sitting on the sofa, her blue eyes glazed and distant. Seeing her has tides of fire sweeping across my skin and rays of sunshine exploding inside of my chest.
“Thank you for coming,” Violet says softly, finally shifting to meet my gaze.
Abruptly, her jaw unhinges, and shock splays itself across her face. Her beautiful blue eyes practically bug out of her head.
“What the fuck, Barret?” she screeches, jumping to her feet.
“What?” I frown.
“Why are you naked?”
“Oh.” I glance down at my half-erect cock and absently wrap my fist around it, giving it a squeeze. “You told me to drop everything and come here. I was in the shower when you texted,” I explain with a smile.
“I didn’t mean...” She pinches the bridge of her nose, but her eyes sparkle with amusement. “I didn’t mean to drop everything.”
“Don’t worry about it. The only thing I had in my hands was a bar of soap. I didn’t mind dropping it for you.” I continue smiling at her dreamily, trying to ignore the desire that burns deep in my belly like swallowed coal.
She always looks ravishing, but today, I can’t help but think she appears almost ethereal. She reminds me of one of those stained-glass portraits of angels you would see depicted in churches. Her blonde curls, highlighted with shades of white and copper, cascade around her shoulders like liquid gold. She wears a short skirt, a thick black belt, and a purple blouse that shows just a hint of cleavage. And with her blood-red lips currently stretched in a sensual smile...
“No. Bad cock,” I hiss as the member still gripped in my fist begins to lengthen, turning harder.
“Ugh. Why do you have to be so distracting?” Violet mewls, her voice taking on a slight purr that does absolutely nothing to dampen the heat blazing inside of me. And when her startling blue gaze trails down the length of my body, stopping at my cock? I just about rip her skirt off and fuck her against the couch. I actually take a step to do just that when she barks out, “No! No dicking! Not now.” Her lips purse. “I actually have to talk to you about something serious.”
I release my dick and move to join her on the couch, but she lifts both of her hands up to stop me.
“No way, rocket launcher. You are not coming near me with that lethal weapon. I know exactly what I’ll do if I come into contact with that thing—and while we’d both like what would happen next very, very much, it’ll defeat the point of this little meeting.”
My brows furrow. “I’m confused. Do you want me to...drop my cock?”
“I suppose you can say that.”
“Like, get rid of it?” Horror fills me at the idea. Why would Violet want me to cut off my dick? She seems to rather like it. Perhaps this is a demoness thing? I know she’s been training to control her demon abilities. Maybe one of the requirements is sacrificing the largest cock that ever existed.
“No!” Violet slaps a palm to her forehead. “God, no. I love your cock.”
“It loves you too.” My chest puffs in masculine pride.