Page 61 of Blood

Memphis claimed he saw them on our side in the battle to come, but everyone knows Memphis has a few screws loose. I don’t trust the ugly monster any farther than I can throw him—and considering the fact he probably weighs over three hundred pounds, I can’t throw him very far. Okay, I can’t throw him at all. Semantics.

Athena studies me with those wise, calculating gray eyes that, no doubt, gave her the title as a goddess of wisdom back in her prime. Everything about her radiates a confidence and elegance I could only attempt to emulate.

“You want my people to help yours?” Athena surmises.

“It won’t be without rewards,” Dimitri interrupts, stalking forward with all the cockiness of a king preparing to address his lowly subjects. How can a man covered in sweat, grime, and blood still look so effortlessly put together and immaculate? Ugh. I sometimes hate him just as much as I love him.

Athena turns toward Dimitri, suddenly intrigued. “I’m listening...”

“With Violet as ruler, you’ll, of course, be reinstated in your original position of guiding souls to the afterlife. She won’t fight you like the others did.” Dimitri lazily wipes at his sleeve, not bothering to look up and meet Athena’s inquisitive eyes. Still, the Fomorian hangs on to every word he says.

I half want to berate Dimitri for speaking on my behalf without my permission, but what he says is the truth. I have no intention of locking the Fomorians away again—as long as they don’t pose a threat to me or mine. And if they want to help souls pass on to the afterlife? More power to them. Hopefully that will reduce the number of ghosts haunting this earth.


A lump the size of Big Foot’s balls materializes in my throat.

When will thinking his name not bring me such immense, unimaginable pain? When will it no longer feel as if I’m being stabbed repeatedly by a serrated blade? When will the wound stop bleeding and begin to scab over?

Never, a soft voice whispers inside of my head.

It will never stop hurting.

Fuck, I miss him.

I swear I can feel his fingers caressing my skin...

“Of course, there are some conditions to that,” Dimitri continues, oblivious to the morose direction of my thoughts. “For one, you will not be allowed to harm Violet or her mates.” He pauses, only continuing when Athena doesn’t raise a word of protest. “And you won’t be allowed to get revenge on Lucifer for imprisoning you in the first place.”

“Absolutely not!” Balor rages, anger coloring his face in deep shades of red. “That bastard locked my family and friends away and—”

Athena holds up a hand to silence her son, and no one is more surprised than me when Balor instantly clamps his lips together. Is that stubborn, murderous asshole secretly a mommy’s boy? Ohhh. Blackmail material.

“What Lucifer did to us was abhorrent,” Athena begins gravely.

“I one-hundred-percent agree,” I interject. “There’s no denying that. He locked you away because he wanted more power, and that’s despicable. But I believe he’s changed. At least, I hope he has.” I take a step forward and stare Athena directly in the eye, allowing her to see the sincerity in my next words. “If Lucifer tries to lock you away again, I’ll stop him. You have my word. I just ask that you give him a chance to prove himself, just like I’m giving you a chance.”

For a long moment, Athena doesn’t speak, and I worry I offended the ethereal woman.

Then a beguiling smile unfurls on her lips, and she dips her chin respectfully.

“Of course, young Violet. It’s the least we can do. You risked your own life to free us, and for that, we owe you the world. At the very least, we owe you our forces, so you’re capable of saving it. All we want is to get back to the way things were. There may be some of us who harbor anger and resentment, but I promise you, I’ll squash any and all resistance on my end if you do the same on yours.” Athena extends a pale, slender hand to me. “Do we have a deal, Violet?”

Why does it feel as if I’m making an agreement with the devil himself, as ironic as that sounds?

Still, I don’t hesitate as I take her hand in mine and give it a shake.

“Let’s kick Zeus’s evil ass.”



It’s decided that Athena and the rest of the Fomorians will remain in Hell, in order to keep their release a secret from Zeus. I thought Athena, or at least Balor, would put up a stink at being forced back into their cages, but Athena only smiled pleasantly, her gray eyes sparkling with warmth.

“Whatever you need, Violet Dracula.”

Yeah...not at all sus.