Denial is my best friend.
Panic flares to life in Alex’s russet-black orbs before he curses loudly and pushes past me.
“You better come right behind me, Violet baby, or I swear I’ll turn that peachy ass of yours bright red,” he growls as he heaves himself up and attempts to wiggle through the window. It’s a tight fit, considering he’s over two hundred pounds of solid muscle, but he manages to twist back and forth like a worm to get through.
I really, really shouldn’t take the time to admire his sculpted ass—because, hello, we’re going to die and everything—but my eyes drift to those chiseled globes unbidden.
I’m so ass-notized that I don’t even notice the door has been ripped off its hinges until the ugly bitch grabs a fistful of my hair in her paw and yanks it back.
“Seriously, fuck off! I really don’t want to hurt you, because I know you’re under a spell and all—”
“All vampire whores must die!” she screeches in her shrill, abnormally high-pitched voice.
“That’s extremely rude!” I hiss. And admittedly, I don’t feel as much pity as I should when I reach for the paw entangled in my hair and snap it in two. “That’s for calling me a whore. We women need to stick together in this patriarchal society.”
“You bitch!” she rages.
I snap another bone in her arm.
“And that’s for calling me bitch!”
While she’s distracted, I dive out of the window, landing in an undignified heap in the bushes lining the perimeter of the motel.
Panic jangles my nerves when I don’t immediately see Alex. And that panic turns to horror when I finally see his shock of dark hair...surrounded by three distinct dragon heads.
The hydra, which has now grown to the size of a small horse. I just pray there are no humans paying attention. I can’t imagine what they’ll think.
A drug-induced hallucination? Probably.
“You made the wrong choice backing the vampire slut,” the posh, accented voice of the top hat head says.
“She’s, like, soooo fugly. That’s fucking ugly, if you don’t know,” the second head says with a lilting giggle. This voice reminds me of a stereotypical valley girl, instantly raising my hackles.
“I don’t even want to be here,” the third, masculine voice drawls with a sigh. “They forced me.”
“Because we hate vampires,” the first head decrees.
“Whatever, man.”
God, what am I going to do? There’s three of them and two of us. Well, if you want to be technical about it, one of them and two of us. I don’t know if each head is a separate monster or if they’re one and the same. They seem to each have their own unique personality, so does that mean they’re sentient? And...why am I focusing on this? Alex could be eaten, for fuck’s sake.
I weigh my options.
Alex has the god-blessed dagger, and the rest of our supplies are still in the room with my, ahem, friend. But I don’t need a physical weapon to be dangerous.
Briefly, I think about the time I was attacked and tortured by vampire hunters. Lost to my pain and rage, I transformed into...something. And whatever that something was absolutely destroyed the hunters.
I search for that power now, for the flare of heat inside of me that will bring about the change. Yet, nothing happens. Perhaps I don’t feel threatened enough?
I curse inwardly and debate my next step.
Okay, so maybe I don’t have super murderous powers, but I do have the strength and speed of a vampire. Yes, I may have run into a few poles in my time, but I’m certain I can use my gifts to save Alex.
Rolling my shoulders back, I take a deep breath and prepare to fight with everything I have. I’ll kick, punch, scream, and fucking bite. I’m a damn good biter, vampire or not.
But before I can do more than take a step forward, a black mist permeates the air, obscuring Alex and the hydra from view.