And then there’s Balor.
Sometimes, I swear I feel his presence in the breeze that whips around my face or the rain that pelts over my shoulders. That fucker still feels the need to terrorize me, even in death. Hux and Jack don’t talk about him, not really, but I know they regret how everything transpired between the three of them. They didn’t necessarily consider him a brother, but he was still a piece of them for such a long time. He was a murderous asshole, sure, but he was also grieving when he committed all those atrocious acts. I can’t say I would have behaved any differently if I were in his shoes, desperate to free my family members who have been locked away for hundreds of years.
The only thing I can do now is accept his sacrifice and live.
“Violet Dracula.” Dimitri’s voice drags me back to the present, and I jerk my attention toward the stage. He cocks one white brow at me, a mocking question in his gaze, and I stick my tongue out at him. His eyes flare instantly with banked fire.
“That’s my girl!” Dracula calls, making sure his voice is louder than Lucifer’s.
Lucifer scowls and immediately moves to stand on his chair in the auditorium, clapping energetically.
Dracula stares at his chair, frowns, and then stands on the thighs of the poor monster sitting beside him, so he’s now a head taller than Lucifer.
The entire auditorium is so loud, it drowns out the hammering of my heart. Almost everybody in the monster community knows what I did to stop Zeus, and yeah. I’ll be the first to admit I’m a little bit of a celebrity in these parts. But don’t worry. I’m still totally modest and humble about it...
As I move up to the stage, I sign a few autographs, pose for a couple of photos, and then direct everyone to Cal, who’s my manager.
“That’ll be five dollars,” I tell the lady whose shirt I just signed. “We accept cash, card, or PayPal.”
Totally modest and humble.
The familiar claw of panic rakes down my spine when I finally reach the stage. I’m distinctly aware of every pair of eyes on me. Watching. Waiting. Judging.
Not only did I save the world, but I also graduated Prodigium Academy earlier than any other student in existence. I think most of the monsters figured that the world’s savior—and feel free to use that title in regards to me—shouldn’t need to sit through boring classes. I still have a lot to learn, but I’m better served learning directly from my parents than the stuffy academy.
“Congratulations, Ms. Dracula,” Dimitri murmurs when I step up beside him. He hands me my diploma and then shakes my hand as camera flashes explode throughout the room. It’s only as I’m walking away does he squeeze my ass...just out of view of the crowd.
I smirk back at him and put a little bit of swagger into my step, striding down the stairs—before promptly tilting forward and falling down.
* * *
“I’m so proud of you, Cheese Curd.” Barret presses his lips to mine in a heated, passionate kiss that has errant fireworks exploding through my body. I dig my fingers into his green hair as I step even closer, his hard length pressing against my stomach.
“I’m proud of you too, my sexy boo bear,” I murmur between kisses.
Alex begins to clear his throat obnoxiously. “Did you forget that we’re still in public?” His voice is sharp, but underneath the ire, I detect a hint of lust that even he can’t contain.
I pull away from Barret with a sheepish smile, one that he matches. “Oops?” I don’t sound sorry whatsoever.
The eight of us—sans Dimitri, who’s been pulled into a conversation by a group of overeager parents—stand in the lobby of the auditorium, waiting for our parents to greet us and give their congratulations. Well, what remains of our parents.
Frankie doesn’t have a mom, and his dad is dead, same as Dimitri. Vin’s father is dead, and his mother hates my guts. And his guts, if I’m being completely honest. Cal’s family was murdered, and Barret’s died of natural causes many years ago. Hux and Jack’s father is currently in Italy, though I doubt he would’ve attended, even if he was around. The brothers haven’t been close to their father—or is it fathers?—since they were young kids. I don’t think they even know who their mom is. Both of Mason’s parents are dead.
That only leaves Alex’s mom, Helena, and my parents.
I see Helena hurrying through the crowd, a beaming smile on her face. She has become a lot happier since Cal murdered her abusive, piece-of-shit husband. The bruises that had constantly adorned her pasty flesh have disappeared completely, and there are no longer dark shadows beneath both of her eyes.
I’m surprised by how much I’ve come to like the petite woman. She adores her son and seems to consider me her daughter already. Not only that, but she has carved her way into the hearts of all my mates, even Dimitri.
“I’m so proud of you all,” she gushes as she pulls first Alex into a hug and then me.
“Mom...” Alex murmurs, embarrassed, but I can see that he enjoys the attention she bestows upon him.
“Looking as beautiful as ever, Helena,” Mason flirts, causing Helena to blush and swat his shoulder.
“Oh, you.” She abruptly pinches Mason’s cheeks and studies his face intently. “Have you been eating well, Mason? Why do you look so thin? Do I need to come back over and make my homemade chicken parmesan?”