Page 114 of Blood

She smashes her lips to mine as I hold her desperately to my body, refamiliarizing myself with her soft, supple curves.

“Is this real? Is this really happening?” she asks between kisses, her tears merging with my own.

“I’m here, Pinkie. I’m here.” Even though I repeat those words, I can scarcely believe them. For months, I’ve tried to find my way back to Violet and the others, but something always held me back. No matter how hard I tried, no matter what I did, I couldn’t breach that divide.

But then Balor—asshole extraordinaire—threw his energy into me, turning me into a Fomorian.

Was it a conscious decision on his part?

Did he know what he was doing when he chose me, or did he merely find the first available soul?

I know the answers to those questions, even before they fully form.

Balor knew exactly what he was doing. He always has.

This was his apology to Violet and the others.

This was his chance at redemption.

A strange feeling arrows through me at the thought of the other man, and I swear I can feel his presence around me, his voice carrying on the breeze ruffling my beanie, his accent lilting and sardonic.

“Take care of them.”

My heartbeat echoes in my skull as I hug Violet tighter to my chest.

I will, Balor. I promise.

“Mason!” Vin bellows, sounding angry, relieved, infuriated, and joyful all at once. A second later, he pounces on me, causing all three of us to fall onto the ground.

“Group hug!” Barret shouts, joining his body to the pile. Cal immediately jumps on top of him, and then a reluctant Frankie and a grinning Hux join in.

“Oh, what the hell,” Alex scoffs as he, too, joins the puppy pile. Only Dimitri remains standing over us all, his glacial eyes thawing ever so slightly as he takes us in.

I sob into Violet’s neck as I realize...this is real. I’m here.

She’s here.

My family’s here.

I don’t know what the future holds for us now, but as long as we’re together, nothing can stop us.



The few days following the battle prove to be a whirlwind

I know there are things we should be doing, but Mason’s miraculous return from the land of the dead reshapes my priorities.

My mate’s alive.

And I’m never letting him—or any of the others—go again.

Despite the elation I feel at having Mason back in my arms, grief still threatens to strangle me in an impenetrable chokehold. I can’t help but think of Balor and everything he sacrificed.

He died—for me.

And then used his energy to bring Mason back to me.