Page 91 of Total Obsession

She was all I had.

I could have stopped to buy a burner phone, but I didn't want to waste the time. I just wanted to get to Zoey's apartment as soon as possible.

After what seemed like an eternity, I parked the car in front, not caring if the damn thing got towed. I limped out of the car and through the oversized glass doors.

"Oh, Sir," the receptionist said as I struggled towards the elevators.

"What?" I seethed, irritated that she was interfering with my goal of getting to Zoey.

"I've seen you a lot with Ms. Campbell. I thought you should know that her lease was terminated today. You won't be able to enter the apartment."

I turned towards the young woman speaking to me and glared at her. "What do you mean, 'her lease was terminated?'"

"I mean that we got a call from the landlord that rents this apartment to her and were informed to lock out access."

"Who told you to do that?"

"It came from her agent," she replied. "A woman named Sarah."

"Jesus Christ!" I bellowed. "Where is she now?" I all but screamed at the woman.

She cowered before me slightly. "I don't know. She left a few hours ago when she found out. She was lucky to avoid all the cameras."

"Cameras?" I asked. "What do you mean, 'cameras?'" I wanted to shake this woman for being so cryptic.

She hesitated, looking more unsure about what she was about to say.

"Spit it out!" I yelled at her.

"It's all over the news, Sir," she said, reaching for the remote and flipping on one of the televisions in the lobby.

I turned my gaze and watched in horror as a blurred-out video of Zoey sucking my own dick was displayed on the screen.

"Turn it off," I said immediately, and the receptionist complied. I thought about trying to use her phone to call Miranda to see if maybe Zoey was staying with her, but I didn't know the girl's number. "Which way did she go?"

The receptionist didn't say anything. She just pointed to the right, and I blew past her as quickly as my aching body would allow me.

I jumped back into the car and started to drive around the area. The sun had set, and I almost got into numerous accidents because I wasn't paying attention to the road.

I tried to think about where Zoey might be. Chances were her "friend" wouldn't let her stay with her, given what Matt had confessed about Miranda. Zoey had no friends in the city, a fact that hung over my head like a guillotine because I knew that was my doing.

She could be at a hotel, but if Will had already managed to get the network to lock her out of her apartment, the chance that he'd also frozen all of her assets was extremely likely. Meaning that she was alone, in the city, at nighttime, without any cash, and nowhere to go.

I gripped the steering wheel so hard that I thought I might break it. I tried to think about where she might go and then a thought crossed my mind.

In our last telephone conversation, she'd mentioned that she'd been frequenting the coffee shop I'd first taken her to. I did a U-turn in the middle of the street to the yells of the few cab drivers that were still on the road and sped off towards the shop.

Within minutes I was there. I leaped out of the car and approached the doors. I pulled on the handles, but they were locked with only a faint glow from the darkened lights inside still on.

"Shit!" I cursed, not knowing where to look next.

That's when I heard a noise from the alleyway to my right. More than a noise, I heard Zoey's voice. Except, it wasn't just her voice. She was screaming, and her tone sounded manic.

I rushed over to where I thought the sound was coming from and watched in a mix of horror and fascination as she pushed a man off of her and plunged a knife into his stomach. He was a frail and useless hobo and it was obvious that he'd tried to attack her.

But, Zoey surprised me. I could see the look in her eyes. It was the same look I knew I had the night I murdered my father.

The man went down and she didn't stop. She just kept plunging the blade into him over and over again. As I watched her move the steel in and out of the man's body the only thought I had running through my head was how much I loved Zoey Campbell.