She shook her head. "No! That's not true! Do whatever you want with me, just please let me live!"
"Oh," I said to her, pouting my lips. "Poor, pitiful stupid girl, that was never an option."
The despair set in and I held her gaze, drinking it in. "You see, you stole from my boss. You were supposed to move product to your clients,hisclients, and instead, what did you do? You sold it to a competitor." I paused to let her take it all in. I pulled my phone out of my pocket and showed her the photo I had set on my lock screen. "And then snorted some of it off his dick in a coked-out sex party," I said with a tsk.
"Which is why I also know that you're afuckingliar," I said before spitting on her face. She flinched. "Because I saw you getting railed up the ass by that very same dick."
"Is that what you want?" she asked me. "I'll let you. Please, just let me live. I'll pay back the money."
"Hm," I mused. "As much as I'd like to make that asshole of yours bleed, hear you scream, and beg me to stop, it's not about the buttsex," I paused. "Or about the money. You see, it's about the loyalty and the reputation. My boss can't be going around letting people think that they can take his product and sell it to a competitor, now can he? If he did that," I chuckled. "Well, he'd be out of business pretty soon. No," I said with a shake of my head. "No, he's got to make an example out of people who think they can screw with him." I paused and then laughed. "By screwing others." I looked back down at her. "You really should have been a whore, Melinda. I saw your work. You wouldn't have needed to sell drugs if you'd just started opening your legs."
A glob of spit landed on my cheek. Which was annoying, because it meant I'd moved past where I wanted to be and into defiance. Defiance was annoying as fuck. Way less satisfying. At that point, the subject had accepted their fate. I'd toyed with her for too long.
A growl from behind me pulled me out of my internal thought process on how I was going to bring the subject back into the emotional state I wanted her in. "Axe, if you're not going to fuck her, then just kill her already, and let's get this done."
That was the voice of Beau Bennett, someone I absolutely loathed. It was super obnoxious that he and I had to frequently work together. I was the killer. He was the cleaner. We were often paired together.
I tsked and rolled off the subject just a bit. "You know I don't rape women, Beau. Some of us have some decency."
"Seems to me like she consented."
I turned back to the subject and shook my head. "You see, Melinda, he just doesn't understand." I booped her on the nose with my pointer finger. "What you said, you said under duress. Doesn't count."
Just when I myself had given up hope, the light in her eyes shifted, and she opened her mouth. "Not true," she said. "I want to do those things for you. Please, just give me a chance," she said, bucking her hips up, trying to create friction with me.
I smiled. I saw it in her eyes. I moved in and pressed my forehead to hers. "I'd never stick my cock into a filthy slut like you." I was whispering against her skin now so that only she could hear. "And I wouldn't even kill you for what you'd done. Something like that? Nah, doesn't deserve my blade. But, I study my subjects, Melinda. And I found out something that my employer doesn't know. Something that gave me the motivation to carry out his order. You know what that was?" She was terrified now, and she didn't move. "I found out that you weren't just selling coke to that other boss of yours. I found out that you were selling kids to him, too." And with that, I slipped the blade I'd been palming for the last few minutes just below her earlobe slowly. Her eyes fluttered open, the fear and despair mixing together before everything went dark the further in I pushed.
I placed a kiss to her open lips just as the last bit of life fluttered out of her useless body.
"You're such a weirdo son of a bitch," Beau said to me as I climbed off the dead girl.
"Fuck, now I've got a boner," I said, adjusting myself in my pants. "I'm gonna head upstairs," I said to him. "Feel free to do whatever nasty stuff you wanna do to her before you get rid of her."
Beau rolled his eyes. He didn't like my jokes. I thought they were hilarious. Who didn't find a little bit of light necrophilia funny?
I pressed the keycard to the elevator panel to head back upstairs to my apartment. I wasn't joking, I really did have a massive boner. I loved my job, and it made me horny as fuck. Chasing down people, toying with them, and killing them? I'd do this shit for free!
Well, actually I did for a while. Pro bono work, as it were. Johnny Maldonado had found me on the street when I was a kid. I worked my way up in the ranks. Earning trust takes time.
Johnny had even given me a condo in one of the many buildings he owned and decked out a utility room with all sorts of fun playthings, just for me. Everyone who lived in this building was on his payroll for one reason or another, so they learned to ignore the screams and not go where they didn't have keycard access.
The elevator chimed and I stepped in, waiting for it to bring me to my floor. I never brought my subjects back to my own apartment. That was one rule that I always followed. My space was my space.
I sighed in relief as I stepped directly into my suite. I had the entire floor. It was definitely too much space for just me and my thoughts, but somehow I managed. I kicked off my shoes and stretched my arms high above my head. I smiled as I thought about what I wanted to watch to relieve myself.
I headed over to the couch and flipped on the television. I never decorated on top of what Johnny provided for me. I never felt like I needed to. Sure, the walls and floors were all concrete, but I didn't mind. And, the minimalist-feel to everything sort of suited me.
I started to make my way through the channels, rubbing my cock through my pants. I was definitely headed for the porn channel (or Starz because like, it was basically the same thing these days), but something caught my eye.
Or rather, someone.
There she was.
Zoey Campbell.
All pretty and dolled up and being interviewed by one of those stupid entertainment news shows. She'd been signed as a model for one of the premier agencies in the world and was being considered for a television role, to boot.
It was perfect.