Page 60 of Total Obsession

"You go. I need to hang back and ask our great director a question."

"Okay," I said, heading towards the door. I definitely did not want to stick around. I wanted to be out of that place as soon as possible. I rushed back into the apartment and straight into Axe's arms.

"I'm so glad I've got off for four whole days," I exclaimed. "I'm exhausted."

"I can tell," he said with a laugh and a kiss to my hair. "Go take a bath. Dinner will be ready when you're finished."

"Are you sure?" I asked him. "You always take care of everything. It's not really fair to you."

"You're letting me live here rent-free," he said. "It's the least I can do."

I laughed. "I live here rent-free, too," I pointed out.

"Not really," he said. "You work a crazy difficult job for a crazy difficult boss to earn this place."

"Maybe," I replied. "I guess it all just still feels so surreal."

"It'll sink in one of these days," he said to me. "When does the show premier again?"

"First episode drops January third. I can hardly believe it's coming up so soon," I said nervously.

Axe gave me a reassuring look as if he could read my mind.

"What if people don't like it? What if they don't renew it for a second season? I'll be out of work, and they'll probably take the apartment away," I said, letting my anxiety get the better of me.

"People are going to love it. You've put your heart and soul into this thing, and even though Matt is a bastard, he's still one hell of a director. Don't you worry," he said. "Now, go take that bath so we can eat dinner on time."

"Okay," I said with a smile, feeling a little more at ease.



"Impossible," I said to my partner, Beau. "I'm not available."

He laughed into the phone. "The fact that you think you get a choice about this sort of thing is super cute," he replied. "What happened to you, Axe? You went from a top-notch killer to a guy that seems like he can't even keep his cock up."

I rolled my eyes and took a deep breath. I really hated how loose Beau was on the phone. Did he not understand that the Feds tapped phones, including cell phones, all the time these days?

"I'm not sure what you mean," I replied to him. "On either account."

"Yeah, whatever," he said. "It's your funeral if you don't show."

"I'll be honest, Beau," I replied to him coolly. "I've never gotten instructions from you before. It's a bit out of the ordinary."

"Dunno what to tell you," he replied. "Maybe you got demoted but they just haven't gotten around to letting you know."

"Highly doubtful," I said, thinking about the conversation I had with Johnny just a few days ago.

"Well, I've given you the marching orders. Like I said, your funeral. Don't worry, I'll be sure to piss on your grave."

He was so vile. It was a shame that he was one of the best cleaners. Otherwise, there was no way that I would have ever agreed to work with him.

"No need, Beau. I'll be there," I said, not sure whether it was a lie or not.

We both ended the phone call at the same time. I heard Zoey pull the stop on the tub, the water draining out at the same rate any remaining patience was draining out of my own body.

I didn't want to focus on work right now. I wanted to focus on Zoey. I wanted to focus on figuring out just how I was going to handle things with her.