Page 44 of Total Obsession

That kids make mistakes.


"JUST SHUT THE FUCK UP!"I yelled at the thing internally. It was driving me absolutely insane with all this overthinking and back and forth.

"Are you okay?"

I didn't need her to ask me that. It was bad that she could sense that I was distraught. That wasn't part of the plan.

"Fine," I replied, schooling my features instantly. "Why do you ask?"

She shook her head. "No reason," she lied.

I knew I needed to get things back on track. "How about you put on a bathing suit and we climb into that hot tub," I said, tipping my wine glass in the direction of the subtly lit upraised area from the rest of the pool.

She brushed a lock of hair behind her ear. "I don't have anything with me, remember?" she said, a blush creeping onto her cheeks.

"Even better," I said. I grabbed the glass of wine from her hand and brought it up to her lips. I tipped it toward her and gave her a look. "Drink."

There was still about a quarter of the glass left. It was only her second glass of the evening. I wasn't trying to get her smashed. I did, however, want her to feel loose and relaxed.

She tipped her head back like the good fucking girl she was and drank the liquid down. I hummed my approval at watching her swallow it all.

Zoey had only ever been a dream for me. As a boy, she was the girl next door that I’d lusted over before I even understood what my feelings were. She’d been my obsession for years, where at the time I’d only understood it to be a friendship.

But now? As I watched her perform for me, do the things I told her to do, and blush when I touched her cheek, I knew she was within my grasp. Something that I had wanted for so long, something that I had craved for so long, and it was being placed gently in my hands, without so much as a fight.

I was the one laying the trap for her, but I worried about who would be the one to ultimately step into the net. Resisting her was starting to feel akin to fighting quicksand. The more one tried, the faster they drowned.

I discarded both our glasses on a nearby table and led her over to the water. A bit of steam was rising off the top of the pool, inviting us in.

I let my fingertips explore her body on top of her clothes. She sighed at my touch, keeping close to me. I had to admit that Zoey had a beautiful body. Over the course of a few weeks being off the runway, she'd managed to put on a few pounds that helped fill her in. Her ass had a nice squeeze to it now, and her breasts had filled out as well. I knew she was insecure about her body and her weight. It was ridiculous, really, given how perfect she was. Unfortunately, that’s what modern society had done to women: given them unrealistic standards and then made them feel like shit when they didn’t meet them.

I tucked a thumb into the waistband of her skirt and pushed it down her body, along with the panties she was wearing. She stepped out willingly, kicking them to the side.

"You like that, don't you?" I asked against her neck. She arched her head back as if begging me to kiss her there. But, I wouldn't. Not yet. Not until she was really desperate for it. "You like being exposed to me."

"Yes," she moaned as I trailed my fingers along her slit ever so slightly.

"I love how wet you get for me," I said against her skin. "I love how it trails down your beautiful thighs like you just can't even help yourself."

I brought my hands up to run along her sides, lifting her shirt up and over her body. She was bare to me now. Just as I wanted her.

She made a move as if she thought she might climb into the hot tub, but I shook my head.

"Stand back," I said to her, pulling my phone out.

Her eyes widened as realization crossed her features. "Are you going to take photos?"

"Photos and videos, yes," I replied firmly. "You're too gorgeous, and I don't get to experience your body nearly enough."

"I've never done anything like this before," she said timidly.

"Good," I replied. "I like knowing that I'm the only one that gets to see you this way. Now," I directed her, "stand back. We're going to start off slow."

She nodded her head. For the first few pictures, I could tell she was uncomfortable. That was fine. My goal was to have her in the throes of ecstasy in front of the camera looking like an absolutely filthy mindless slut by the time the night was done.

"I want you to do something for me, Zoey," I said to her. She nodded, and I gave her a reassuring smile. "I want to see you lick your index and middle finger," I said.