Page 5 of Total Obsession

I was hurting.

I was alone.

No one was going to save me.


So then.

So then I had to save myself.

My father tried to pick me up by the wrist, and I wrenched away from his grasp.

"You little prick," he yelled, grasping at my hips. "You ungrateful shit. I pay for everything, and you fight me?"

I kicked at him. "Don't touch me!" I yelled at him.

"I'll do what I want under my roof," he hollered.

He started grabbing at me again. I was worried this time. His grip was strong and he pulled me towards him and flipped me over. I looked around for anything. It was up to me. I had to save myself. No one was coming to help me.

Zoey said she wouldn't let anyone hurt me.

Zoey lied.

I grabbed at the bedposts, looping my fingers around one, and used it to pull away from him. My other hand flailed wildly, trying to find something to use as a weapon. My fingers wrapped around a paperweight on my desk. It was what I’d used to lean my Polaroid against. It was a replica of the Great Pyramid made out of steel. It had been my mother's. It was heavy and sharp at the top.

My Polaroid fell to the ground as I swung the paperweight around and hit my father in the head with it. He lost his balance from the shock and stumbled a few steps. Blood trickled down his cheek from the impact. I watched as he reached up, running his fingers through it before pulling them back down. He looked at his fingers and then at me.

He looked really angry now.

But, so was I.

I rushed him. I jammed the paperweight point first into his temple where he was already bleeding. He went down from the pain.

Now I was the one that was hurting someone else.

I thought about this as I continued to press the paperweight into his skull.

I didn't understand why people liked to hurt others. It wasn't fun. But, I did like the feeling of control. I did like knowing that because I was hurting him, he couldn't hurt me.

Maybe that was why they did it.

Maybe I did like it.

Was he dead?

Yeah, he was.

He wouldn't be hurting anyone anymore.

I didn't need anyone to save me, either.


present day