"James," I said, standing up to shake his hand. James O'Denny was the special agent in charge of New York's Intelligence and Surveillance Division, and I man I knew could be trusted. My informants had often expressed complete irritation over the fact that he was completely "unbribeable."
"Axe," he said, meeting the gesture and then sitting opposite us. "And, who might this be?"
She was about to give out her name, but I stopped her. "She's with me," I said.
"I've got to say," James said. "Your request for a meeting, especially so late, was a little unexpected."
Zoey looked confused, and I could understand why. I was currently wanted for questioning, so why was I being so cordial with someone so high up in the Bureau? What she didn't understand was that I'd been on the FBI's radar for years. They also knew that I'd been completely clean for all of those years as far as they could ever uncover. They'd never been able to get a warrant issued for me.
That's because I was very good at what I did.
They'd come to me asking me to be an informant many times. Each time they approached, I claimed ignorance and pledged that I didn't know anything. They knew I was their golden ticket to getting a lot of the information they needed to solve a lot of cases.
I could bring down a substantial percentage of Mob operations on the East Coast. It was a bargaining chip I'd always been saving.
And one that was more than worth using for Zoey's sake.
"A little unexpected," I replied to James, "but hopefully not unwelcome."
He sat back in his chair. He was a middle-aged man with dark hair combed back and a stern face. I could see the exhaustion written across his features. It was a story that many of the people working in this industry told. "Depends on what this meeting's about."
"I've come to exchange information," I said. Zoey let out a little gasp next to me, and I reached for her hand under the table, squeezing it to reassure her.
"Alright," he said, crossing his arms. "I'm interested. What for what?"
"I'll answer your questions on the Maldonado family," I said. "Should give you enough to prosecute at least Primo and a few others he keeps close."
"And what is it that you want?" James asked with an upraised eyebrow.
"Nothing for myself," I said. I cocked my head towards Zoey. "This is Zoey Campbell. Maybe you've read about her recently in the news?"
Zoey looked at me, her mouth open.
"Ms. Campbell," James said with a nod of his head. "Yes, I believe I've come across the gossip."
"She's been caught up in a bad scandal. I need it to go away. Plus, she's been linked to me, and I've," I chuckled, "been labeled a person of interest. That's tarnished her reputation."
James gave me a look. "What is the FBI supposed to do about all that?" he asked.
I shook my head and smiled at him. "Your business is information. You wage war with it. I'll leave it up to you how you resolve it. Do those things, and I'll give you everything you've wanted to know."
"That's it?" James asked.
"Not quite," I replied. "Two nights ago Zoey was attacked in an alleyway next to Old Country Coffee. Complete immunity for her in regards to that situation, whatever the outcome might be."
"What do you think the outcome was?" James asked, knowing the game.
I shrugged. "I honestly couldn't tell you, James," I said. "But, you've got a lot of people working for you. I'm sure you can figure it out."
James was quiet for a minute and then put his hands on the table, pushing himself to stand. "Sit here. I'll be back."
He left Zoey and me alone in the room. She turned to me, tears in her eyes. "Axe, you can't do this just for me," she said.
"Nonsense," I replied. "There's no better reason to do anything than to do it for the woman you love."
She shook her head. "They'll lock you up for a long time," she said.
I shrugged. "Maybe. But, it would be worth it to me. I need to keep you safe. I need to give back to you everything that was stolen from you."