"Axe," I managed to say between thrusts. It was obvious that we were at my apartment and from the way Axe was pressing into me at a punishing pace, it was also likely obvious what we were doing inside the vehicle.
"Don't speak unless you're screaming my name," he instructed me.
His fingers trailed the vibrating device down my body, passing over my breasts which were bouncing wildly for him before he was wrapping his arm around my hips and holding it against my clit.
His mouth was against my lower back and he nipped the skin there before saying, "I can feel how close you are. One more for me, pretty girl, and then I'll let you rest."
He pushed the little device into my clit harder, and apparently, that was all I needed in order to climax one more time. I hadn't thought it possible, but the pleasure moving through me was unmistakable.
It was as if every nerve inside of me was lighting up. My muscles squeezed as my body started to shudder. The device was still pressed against me and it was drawing out wave after wave of pleasure until I didn’t think that I could take it any longer.
Axe's movements became unsteady and within seconds I could feel his cock pulsing inside of me. He groaned out his release, pushing his cock deep inside of me, throwing his head back, obviously embracing the waves of pleasure that were moving through his own body.
When we both caught our breaths, he pulled out of me, and I turned around to sit on the floor. I watched with a sigh of relief as he pulled the condom I hadn't seen him put on off his cock, tied it, and tucked it into the trashcan in the corner.
I gave him a hazy smile as he pulled up his pants. What Axe was thinking was always a mystery to me. His mask was always so serene, so passive, that I could never get a read on it. As I came down from my high, I started to feel nervous about what we had just done. Had someone at the premiere seen us? What if someone had heard the device as he turned it on inside of me? Would my hardened nipples be all over the tabloids the next morning?
I looked down at my ruined dress. I wasn't sure how I was going to get from the car up to the apartment in my current state. My mind started to spin, but suddenly, Axe's suit jacket was placed around my shoulders. I looked up at him and into his green eyes. His demeanor had shifted back into the kind, caring man I was used to, and it made me instantly relax.
"Let's get you upstairs and into a bath," he said.
It was always this way with him. When he gave me his attention, all of my worries just melted away. I smiled. "That sounds amazing."
* * *
I ran a towel through my hair as I looked over at Axe who was lounging on the bed. He’d made good on his promise, running me the most gorgeous bath complete with bath salts and candles, letting me relax after the long and somewhat intense premiere.
Even though I wouldn’t have planned the evening the way it had happened, I wouldn’t have changed anything about it. The fact that he had me on edge with the little device the entire time actually helped melt away my nerves during the entire event. It had given me something to concentrate on other than how nervous I was.
It’d been like this for a while now. Axe was always there to help me in strange and often unique ways. As I thought about it, I tried to think about my feelings towards him. They were still such a mess that oftentimes I just cast them aside, vowing to figure it all out later.
The one thing that I hoped more than anything was that he understood and felt that I wanted to be with him for him and not because of who he had become. I also disagreed with Miranda. Maybe in the beginning I was latching onto him because I felt bad about our history. But Axe had made it clear that he harbored no grudges.
The things I was feeling towards him were so much bigger than a bad history or the fact that he seemed to have endless money.
There had to be more there.
“Hey,” I said to him softly.
He looked up from his phone and smiled at me.
“Hey. Feel better?”
“Amazing,” I said to him. I climbed up on the bed next to him and worried my lower lip.
“Uh oh,” he said. “I know that face. What’s on your mind?”
I’d been hiding a gift that I’d picked out for him for quite some time now. I just hadn’t found the right time to give it to him. I was nervous about it. Would he like it? It wasn’t something fancy like the gifts he’d given to me, but it was something I’d made myself.
“I have something for you,” I said to him.
It was obvious that he could sense my hesitation.
“Zoey,” he said sitting up and wrapping an arm around me. “Whatever it is, I’m sure I’ll love it.”
I sighed. “Okay. It just,” I paused. “I dunno, it feels a little silly.”