Page 27 of Total Obsession

You're too beautiful for tears.

I stared at the message for so long. I hadn't responded to it. Should I have? I mean, what do you even say to something like that?

I felt so in over my head as far as Axe was concerned. I'd never had any real relationships in my past. I liked to think it was because I was always traveling for work, but I knew that wasn't really the reason. More than that, I always worried that the real reason was that I wasn't good enough.

Ever since high school, I'd always felt the need to try and fit in. It was a desperate yearning to be liked. It's what had ultimately led me to do what I'd done to Axe, something he seemed to care very little about and something that still haunted my dreams.

Basically all of that culminated in me not having much experience with men. I didn't know how to flirt, because I hadn't flirted much. I didn't know what to say to Axe, because I hadn't talked to that many men.

I finally decided not to overthink it and quickly typed a message.

I had a great time with you. Thanks for everything.

His response was almost immediate, which surprised me.

‘Thanks for everything' sounds like a goodbye. Are you trying to say goodbye, Ms. Campbell?

My heart fluttered in my chest as I started to panic. Did I say something wrong? Was it wrong to say "thanks for everything"? Did it make me sound dismissive?

Oh, gosh, no, not at all!

I frantically typed.

I just wanted to tell you thank you.

That's good.

My heart calmed down.

I'd hate for that to be the last time we saw one another.

My heart was all butterflies again. It was incredible how easily this man could change my emotions.

I'd like for that, too.

What's your schedule?

I was grinning now. I felt like a schoolgirl, finally getting attention from the most popular boy in school.

I'm supposed to be in New York within the next two weeks.

Where will you be staying.

????‍?? For now, a hotel that I can afford. I haven't been able to find a place to live yet.


What's interesting?

I would have thought that your employer would provide you accommodations.

I don't think so

You might want to confirm that before you sign a lease somewhere.

Okay, thank you. I will.

I was pretty sure if I was getting a rent-free apartment, my agent would have told me all about it. After all, filming started in two weeks. Wouldn't they be trying to give me keys or something by now?