Page 17 of Total Obsession

I nodded my head. "Yes."

I could see his slight smile in the low light. "Good."

"Don't you?" I found myself asking.

He hummed a bit, turning my head this way and that. "You really are an absolutely divine creature. Look at you," he said, running his fingers down my neck. "You're every man's dream."

"Not true," I found myself saying.

"Why's that?" he asked me, still running his fingers over me, putting me simultaneously at ease and on edge.

"I've barely dated anyone," I admitted to him.

"You're out of everyone's league," he replied.

"Yours too?" I asked.

"Absolutely," he said.

"I don't want to be up on a pedestal," I said to him.

"No? Where do you want to be?"

I started to slide myself down the wall until I was kneeling in front of him. I pressed my hand to the front of his pants and could feel his hardness through the material.

"Right here," I said, my breathing as fast as my pulse.

He didn't do what I expect him to. I expected him to take out his cock and shove it down my throat. A big part of me wanted that sort of humiliation from him.

Yet, he didn't do that. He knelt down so that he was looking at me, his green eyes picking up the small hints of light in the room.

"You really are a truly exquisite woman. Stunning, sophisticated, and sexy."

"Then why won't you let me do this for you?" I found myself asking, not sure why I was basically begging for this sort of attention from him now. It was completely unlike me.

"My pretty girl," he said, running his fingers into and through my hair. "Because I want to savor you. You're not some whore to be used and thrown away. You mean so much more to me than that."

He wiped a tear away from my cheek that I didn't realize had fallen. I felt somehow rejected and uplifted at the same time. He pulled me up to my feet, tilted my chin up slightly, and then placed a kiss to my lips, wiping away the saliva he left behind with his thumb.

"Come on," he said, "we have a flight to catch."



For some reason, I had painted this picture of who Zoey was today based on who she was on that fateful day in high school. Seeing her get down on her knees in front of me was threatening to change my entire perspective towards the girl.

I couldn't allow that to happen.

She had wronged me.

Painfully so.

She deserved to be punished for it.

Yet, there was something screaming at me from deep inside that perhaps the way in which I was planning my revenge wasn't entirely fair, and that didn't sit right with me.

I only did things to people because they deserved them. My employer knew this about me. It's why he never gave me jobs that involve innocents, ransom, or kidnapping. He saved those sorts of things for the more depraved on his staff.