"Yeah, and Ethan ruined it all."

"Oh, I see you're on a first name basis with the man now, hm?" Michelle asked, obviously picking up on my current woes. She almost knew me too well.

"I'm not on a first name anything with the asshole," I said, rolling over and balancing the phone on the other side of my face. "Didn't you hear what I told you? He made a fool of me at my presentation."

"Yeah, but you know what they say about schoolyard boys, the ones that pick on you are the ones that like you."

I rolled my eyes dramatically. "Michelle, we're not in second grade anymore and this isn't recess. This is like, legitimate stuff!"

"Yeah, I know," my friend replied. "But, I just think there's more going on than some guy who wants to push out the competition. It seems rather public. Seems like he could get some flack for his actions. Nothing you've ever seen him do before, right?"

"Well, I don't know, I've never been to one of these conferences before," I admitted.

"Oh puhlease, Amy. You've watched every single one online since we were at MIT together."

I knew she was right. Ethan Greene had been attending these conferences for many years and he had never made such a spectacle of himself as he had today. "It can't just be that easy," I said to her. "What? He likes me so therefore he decides to put his entire company's legacy on the line? He doesn't even know me."

"Knew you were offered a job at the company," Michelle pointed out.

"Yeah, that was weird. But, even more proof that he was probably just being vindictive. I turned the job down."

"Look, I don't know what to tell you, babe. I just know that something's not adding up here. I know you're upset, but just don't do anything stupid, okay? Promise me that, at least."

"No promises," I replied with a laugh.

"Ugh," my friend groaned through the line. "Look, babe, I gotta get going but call me if you need me, kay?"

"Okay," I said, blowing her a kiss through the phone and hanging up. I definitely wasn't going to promise Michelle that I wouldn't do something stupid, because I knew myself far too well. I was very smart except for when my emotions got the better of me. And then, in those instances, I made up for all the times that I was smart by behaving exceptionally stupidly.

And right now sort of felt like one of those times. I looked up at the ceiling fan above me. It made its slow path across the ceiling and I watched the blades go round and round, as my thoughts followed their path.

Ethan Greene.

Job offer.

Turned down.

New invention.

Feeling threatened?

Embarrassed me publicly.

As I continued to turn the words over in my head I started to convince myself more and more that Michelle was wrong. This was nothing more than a man who was threatened by a woman in the field who was making real strides into an area that would make his company's way of doing business completely obsolete.

He was jealous.

And I wasn't going to let him get away with this sort of shitty behavior. I'd worked too hard and too long to put up with crap like this and I was tired of it.

I pushed off the bed and rushed over to my laptop to pull up the next day's schedule of events. I smiled as I read about the feature presentation.

"Ethan Greene on behalf of Standard Energy. Join us for a presentation on the newest innovations in the energy sector from the company that has been at the forefront of research and innovation. Question and answer round immediately following the presentation."

The smile that crept over my face likely looked demonic, but it was all too perfect. I would deliver to Ethan Greene the same sort of nonsense that he delivered to me today. I wasn't going to let him get away with his behavior. I was going to match it. Not only would this discredit him, but it would also give me a chance to restore my own name and credibility in the process, or so I told myself.

With my mind made up, I ordered room service for dinner before diving into the program materials to try and figure out what his presentation would cover. I wanted to be as prepared as possible and nothing was going to get in my way.

Ethan Greene would learn just who he'd decided to mess with.