"Ms. Reid," I said and she scrunched her face at me. "Please, at least let me try and be a good host to you."
"You've saved me from sleeping on the streets in the middle of a snowstorm. I'm not also going to take your bed."
"Right, but I'm not going to have you sleeping out here on a sofa," I replied.
"Why is it okay for you but not for me?"
I gave her a confused look. "Is this some gender equality trick question?"
She let out a laugh. "No!" she replied, putting her hands up. "I was just trying to say it's not fair that either of us sleeps on the sofa, I guess." She sighed. "I don't know what I was trying to say, actually."
"Well, if you don't let me sleep on the sofa, and I won't let you sleep on the sofa, I'm not really sure what option that leaves us. I guess we'll both have to stay up all night."
"Well," she said, her mood starting to pick up. "As fun as it's been watching Arrested Development re-runs with you, I am tired. So, I don't think staying up all night is an option."
"Alright, then," I said, standing to my full height. "I guess you're just going to have to sleep with me."
Her eyes widened and I laughed. "Or, let me sleep on the couch."
The little spitfire stood herself and gave me a look full of determination. "I have no problem getting in bed with the enemy," she replied.
"Great," I replied.
"Great," she answered, placing her hands on her hips.
We both stood there, staring the other one down, wondering who was going to make the first move.
"After you," I finally said to her, and she slid around me, her skin brushing mine as she made her way towards the bedroom.
It was an odd sensation, to be following a woman to bed, knowing that nothing was going to happen between us. Not by choice, however. Over the course of the evening, it had become extremely clear to me that I wanted Amy Reid. More than just the physical aspect, I wanted her emotionally. I poured some of my darkest secrets out to her in a matter of minutes. And what was more, I didn't even feel the slightest bit bad or nervous about that.
It was as if I knew, deep down, I could trust her in a way I hadn't been able to trust anyone. What I hadn't told her was that I hadn't slept in even the same room as anyone since I was a child. And the only person that I'd ever shared a room with was Harrison.
And all of that was for a very specific reason. I'd had night terrors since I was a child, and while less frequent these days, they still happened at random times.
I looked over at Amy as she began to climb into the bed. She pulled the covers up before shimmying out of the hotel bathrobe she had on and my pulse quickened. "I don't usually wear pj's," she admitted a bit sheepishly.
I nodded my head. "No worries." I paused, trying to find the courage to go the extra mile and be truly vulnerable with her. "Hey, Amy?"
"Yeah?" she asked, looking back at me, her eyes kind, if a little nervous. The fact that she wasn't entirely confident at this moment gave me the extra boost I needed to admit my own shortcomings to her.
"I just wanted to let you know, that sometimes, I can't sleep all the way through the night."
"Do you get stress nightmares?" she asked.
I nodded. "Yeah, I guess you could call them that."
"I get them too sometimes," she said. She patted the space next to me. "I don't mind."
This woman was actively destroying me.
And I was all about it.
I climbed into bed, turned the light out, and after around thirty minutes, fell into a deep sleep.