"Yeah," I replied. "It was."
I held his gaze for a bit too long, and I was glad that the blush from the cold covered up the one from my heart.
"Now I'm hungry again," he admitted, looking down at his watch. "Shit, we were out here for several hours. It's nearly four. Come on, let's head back and warm up."
I nodded and this time, he grabbed my hand as he pulled me across the street and back into the hotel. He didn't separate from me the entire time, and I couldn't understand it. Through the lobby where everyone could see us, up the elevator, and all the way down the hallway.
Only when we got to his room did he finally untangle his fingers from mine. He threw his coat over one of the chairs and ruffled some of the melting snow out of his hair. I hated how carefree he looked. I didn't have that sort of luxury, especially not after everything that had happened over the last few days. More than that, I hated how much I was falling for him. Ethan had played a large part in the issues I'd experienced this conference. Liking the guy who was actively ruining your business was a weird sensation.
"Go ahead and grab the first shower," Ethan said to me. "I'll go ahead and get room service situated," he said.
"Oh," I replied, standing there, still a little shell shocked at this entire situation.
"Here," he said, walking towards me. I was pretty sure I looked like a deer caught in headlights, totally unsure what to do. But, he stopped short of where I was standing and opened up the closet to pull out one of the hotel robes and hand it to me.
"Thank you," I said quietly.
"You're welcome," he said with another smile that I was fast becoming used to. "Any preferences for dinner?"
I shook my head. "Just nothing too fancy."
He winked at me. "You got it."
I took refuge in the bathroom before he could see my blush for real this time. Closing the door behind me, I looked around the room, realizing that the bathroom suite in this place was basically as large as my own hotel room. I shed my clothing slowly before turning on the shower and waiting for it to heat up. I double checked that the door was shut and locked, even though a small part of me wanted to leave it open.
Stepping into the warm spray, I tried to take deep breaths and get my brain to turn back on. Everything was fine. Ethan probably just felt guilty for what he had done to me at this conference and was trying to make it right. Yeah, that had to be it. That's also why he kept putting his arm around me and held my hand the entire walk back here.
Yeah, it was all making perfect sense.
About as much sense as me falling for the man who was actively ruining my life's work.
I let the water flow through my hair and over my face. I was still so cold and the hot water almost burned my skin. It was the perfect juxtaposition for how I was currently feeling. Somewhere in the middle of all of it were my true feelings and how this evening would play out.
I turned the water off and dried off with a clean towel before wrapping myself securely in the bathrobe. I exited the bathroom slowly, running a hand through my wet hair to try and tame its wildness a bit. I found Ethan in the living room suite flipping through channels.
"All warmed up?" he asked.
I nodded my head but didn't say anything.
"Great," he replied with what was becoming his signature smile. "I'm going to hop in, but," he said walking over to the nearby table. "I opened two bottles. Wasn't sure what you liked," he said a bit sheepishly, handing me a glass.
"Thanks," I replied, still feeling very out of sorts. He rushed off to take his own shower and I quickly poured myself a glass of red wine, hoping the liquid might help to break me out of whatever spell I seemed to be under.
Just as I was about to sit down, I heard a knock at the door, followed by a muffled "Room Service," announcement. I put my wine glass down and opened the door for the staff member, who wheeled the cart into the room.
"Thank you," I said as the man took his leave. I knew I should probably wait for Ethan to get out of the shower, but curiosity got the better of me to see what he had ordered. I lifted one of the covers up before putting it down slowly, doing the same with the other one.
I closed my eyes and let my head tilt back.
"You okay?" Ethan's voice asked, causing me to jump and put my hand to my fast beating heart.
"Yeah," I said.
"Something wrong with the food?" he asked, rubbing a towel through his damp hair. I tried not to look at the scene. It was oddly reminiscent of our first meeting, since I was wearing the hotel bathrobe, he was in just a towel again.
"Nothing," I said honestly.
"Cool. Give me a minute and I'll be right in," he said. I nodded and made my way to the separate living room area so he could change without me ogling him.