Dana squeezes me tighter.

“We had decided that you’d be a surprise. Didn’t know if you were a girl or a boy. And after four girls, I was convinced you would be a boy. We were going to name you Theodore if you were.”

“Ewww, Theo,” Harley groans. I pinch her arm and she laughs.

As Dad unwinds the story of the day I was born in front of all these people, I find my gaze drifting over to the open gate at the end of the yard, hoping Hunter and Jessica will walk through at any moment. What’s the hold up? Why aren’t they here?

“And of course when the doctor said you were a girl, I just started laughing and said, ‘Of course, she is!’” Dad’s big smile falters. “Your mother asked if I was upset, but I was relieved. I didn’t know what I’d do with a boy.”

He has to tell the story the way it actually happened. It just sucks that my mom is implicitly involved in it. It only makes me want this to be over even sooner.

“But the truth was, my four girls would not have been complete without the fifth. The littlest. The storyteller. The lion with the gentle roar.”

I smile to myself. I’m the Leo of the group. And we live in California. Doesn’t matter who you are, you know astrology if you’re in Cali.

“A quarter of a century…jeez, I’m getting old,” Dad muses.

My sisters and I laugh. And in this moment of distraction, I see movement at the gate out of the corner of my eye.

I immediately know who it is.

Hunter walks through as subtly as he can for being nearly six and a half feet tall. In one of his hands is a gift wrapped in purple zigzag patterned paper. In the other, is Jessica’s hand. She’s doing a better job than him of being covert, tiptoeing carefully into the yard.

“Happy birthday, Ames,” Dad announces, holding up his cocktail created signature by Harley and Kira, called Petunia’s Paloma, which is just like a normal paloma with tequila, lime, and grapefruit, except it’s made with lavender and has a purple hue to it, which happens to be mine and Petunia’s favorite color (what can I say, I write what I know). “Cheers!”

Everyone exclaims in response, clinking their glasses and drinking. I smile and nod, thanking people, and then quickly slip out of my sisters’ grasps to meet Hunter. I don’t care if we’re still trying to maintain a low profile. I’ve been waiting for him all night.

The party gets back into full swing, food and drinks flowing, music pumping.

As soon as Jessica lays eyes on me, she runs in my direction. “Happy birthday, Amy!”

I don’t expect nearly as intense of a hug as I get. Jessica practically leaps straight into my arms. I’m able to catch her with a big, “Oof!” but as soon as she’s there, I feel so at peace. Her little heart beating next to mine is surprisingly comforting. I know mothers feels that with their own babies. But Jessica isn’t mine. So, why do I feel so connected to her?

“Oh, what a great hug! Thank you, sweetheart.”

Hunter waits patiently for Jessica to finish her hug. He glances around nervously, not wanting to make too much of a scene. Especially not in front of my father, I’m sure.

“We brought you a present!” Jessica announces. It’s clear she’s not going to let go, her legs locked around my waist. Luckily, she’s not too heavy. She can stay on my hip as long as she likes.

“Oh, thank you.”

“Open it, open it!”

“Her hands are a little preoccupied, Jess. Come down and then she can open it,” Hunter instructs calmly.

Jessica pouts but slithers down my side, planting her feet on the ground. For the first time tonight, there’s no barrier between Hunter and me. The air between us is charged, pulsing with potential. My heart pounds as he takes a step toward me. The only birthday present I really want is a kiss from him. Okay, fine, I want more than a kiss. I want to wrap my body around that man like a koala on a tree and never let go. I want to have my first time and I want it with him.

But…that will take time. We can’t be too obvious.

“Happy birthday, Amy,” he says, holding out the gift to me.

I take it carefully and make sure my fingers brush his as I do. I want him to feel me just as much as I want to feel him. “Thank you. But you didn’t have to.”

“Of course we did.”

I start to peel the paper carefully.

“I’ll do it!” Jessica announces, reaching for the gift.