I consider his nose for a moment. Strong, aquiline. “No, I love it.”

“Yeah, you better. Considering what it can do when I –” Hunter grips me under my arms and lifts me onto the counter.

I hold in a quiet squeal as he pushes the fabric of my dress back, rips off my underwear, and dives between my thighs, lips and tongue (and nose) working and nuzzling eagerly.

Relief spills into my belly, heightening the pleasure as he laps and sucks. I stretch my arms out over the counter and let out a pleased sigh. “One day, I’m going to have to have you in my mouth.”

Hunter stops suddenly and lifts his head, eyebrows cocked. “Listen, I’m in no rush, but the second you want to, you let me know.” He leans over me, resting his elbow on the counter next to my waist while his thumb idly encircles my clit. “Literally the second you know, I’ll come running.” He pushes a finger inside me, pumping it delicately. “I will come running.”

I try to steady my breath, but the way he’s got me gripped outside and in makes it a struggle. “E-even if you’re at work?”

“Oh, god, if you called me in the middle of the day, begging for my cock, I would combust right then and there.”

I laugh but am cut off when a ding of pleasure rocks my body. “I-I’ll wait, then. Would h-haaaate for you to combust before I – I – I – “

Hunter removes his hand just before I can hit the crest of pleasure. “Wait right there for me, baby.”

I stare up at the light fixture over the kitchen island that barely hovers on, the bulbs burning low like candles. Stay…I encourage that rolling boil in my belly. Please stay.

The zing of Hunter’s zipper interrupts my concentration. I feel the head of his cock pressed up against my pussy. “Oh, Amy…”

I clutch his hand to my hip as he enters me with control and poise, not eager for it to be over despite his excitement.

Hunter touches my face with his other hand, guiding my gaze into his. He wears an encouraging smile. “God, you’re the most beautiful –”

“Stop that,” I say in jest. I never want him to stop that.

“No, you can’t make me,” he replies as he begins to roll his hips.

I’m so distracted, I don’t even realize how he’s entered me unsheathed and how easy it feels to have him enter me so fast. Thankfully, I have prepared for this. A quick visit to the gyno a couple weeks ago yielded me a prescription for birth control so I have less to worry about. Less. Not nothing.

Still, though…it feels so much better when he’s bare inside me.

“Beautiful Amy…most beautiful girl – woman – in the entire fucking world,” Hunter murmurs, bestowing sloppy kisses to my neck.

I adjust my face to catch his mouth with mine, lock my legs around his hips, and moan. Those actions encourage him to go faster and faster.

Hunter suddenly stands upright and tucks his hands against my thighs. This gives him all the leverage and control he could possibly need to take us to the very end.

“Oh, Hunter,” I moan, my voice squeaking as I try to control the volume. I fumble around to grip his forearm. “Go, go, go.”

He’s working so hard he can’t speak. All he manages are affirmative pants and breaths.

“Look at me,” I say. “See me.”

The second our eyes lock, my body bursts with heat and fire. My back rises off the cool marble countertop and I stifle a wail in my hand. Hunter gasps, bending at his waist as if he’s just had the wind knocked out of him trying to catch a football. His hands loop around my wrists as he falls forward. I feel the rush of him inside, warm and wet.

His eyes look to mine with fear, but I shake my head. “It’s okay, it’s okay. It’s safe.”

Hunter’s eyes flutter shut. He presses his forehead to my bare clavicle. I can feel his breaths against my chest. I cradle him there. Mine. My man.

My love.

“I love you,” I say raggedly. It’s not an accident. “Hunter, I –”

He lifts his head and kisses me fiercely, unfathomable for how much energy we’ve just spent. When the kiss breaks, he retreats only an inch so he can speak as clear as day: “I love you, Amy Solace.”

I loop my arms around him, hugging him close, my chest filled to the brim with love for him.