However, as I touch myself to this fantasy, it doesn’t hurt at all. Hunter slips inside me as if he was made for me and starts to pulse his hips into me. I wrap myself around him, my ass bouncing across the counter over and over as he pulls our hips flush together and then apart.

My fingers speed up against my clitoris. I point my toes, lock out my knees. I’m close.

“Fuck,” he grunts in my ear. “So tight.”

He’s strong and powerful as he fucks me. I’m not worried about anyone hearing or seeing us; it’s a fantasy after all. All I care about is how good it feels to have Hunter fuck me.

“Look at me.”

I’m getting so close my clitoris keeps screaming, “Just one more.”

I’ve only ever made myself come and I know how easy that can be when the circumstances are right. My sisters have complained in the past about their conquests, not caring what they were feeling or thinking they had to do the bare minimum to pleasure them.

But Hunter…I can’t imagine he would be anything short of perfect. Girls wouldn’t keep coming back to him if he was a lousy lover.

Amy! Don’t bring them into it!

Right, right – Hunter. Just Hunter.

I bet Hunter Ricks would make me come.

“Look at me when you come.”

In my “imagined and will definitely never happen” scenario, he definitely does.

Fantasy and reality collide as my eyes shoot open. Though the reality is I’m lying in my childhood bedroom, unable to fall asleep, the image emblazoned on the insides of my eyelids remains. It‘s like a hallucination, Hunter’s eyes lighting up in front of me.

And the intensity is too much to bear for my sensitive bud.

An orgasm ricochets through my body. So powerful and good that I gasp; I bury my head in the pillow in order to let out a tremendous moan. My forearm burns from working so hard and my whole body shakes for a brief moment before collapsing back into the sheets with exhaustion.

I try to reconjure the fantasy in my brain, but it’s too far gone at this point.

The reality is, I’m laying alone in my childhood bedroom and there’s no Hunter in sight. He is not the man of my dreams. He is my next door neighbor who is so horny he needs to have girls on tap.

And despite all of that, I can’t ignore how not only my body, but my heart, yearn to be his.

* * *

“And…boo!” Stella cries out, popping her face over Tana’s baby bouncer.

Tana breaks out into a fit of gurgly laughter, spreading her teeny hands out over her face. It’s crazy how big she’s gotten in these four months. When Harley told us a week ago she started laughing I could barely believe it.

Now it’s music to my ears.

“Aren’t you getting tired of that, Stell?” Kira asks. “You want to jump in the pool? Or the swings?” she adds, scanning the unused yard.

Stella ignores Kira, recoiling from Tana’s bouncer and then poking her head back in front of the baby. “Boo!”

Again, Tana’s melodic, open laugh.

“Guess not,” I say softly, just for Kira’s ears.

Kira grunts and leans back in her lounge chair. “I want to swim.”

“Then you can swim,” I reply. “I can look after them. Besides, Stella might follow after you.”

Kira checks her smartwatch. “No, it’s almost time for dinner. And, if my calculations are correct, Tana is going to start whining for milk soon.”