Axel opens his mouth and carefully says, “I hadn’t really considered it.”
“Well, you’re invited.”
“Right, I wasn’t sure if it was just a formality or…”
It’s been a formality for every family event over the past seven years. At least for me. For all my sisters, Lola and Axel are a package deal. They’re invited to everything. Lola always comes, Axel’s attendance is usually a toss-up. He never stays for too long, though. Probably gets tired of my coldness. “You should come,” I say.
Axel’s eyes brighten.
“Harley would appreciate it,” I say without looking at him. It’s really me who would appreciate it.
“Well, I’ll be there, then. For Harley’s sake.”
I can hear the subtext. He knows I don’t actually mean that he should come because of Harley. He’s just not willing to call me out. Which I appreciate.
Stella stops suddenly and slams down her crayon. “Mommy! What time is it?”
“Oh, yeah, we should probably get going,” I say, checking my phone. “Yep, nearly one. We should head out.”
“Where you off to?” Axel asks as Stella starts to collect all the crayons, shoving them into the box haphazardly. “Whoa, whoa, whoa, slow down, kiddo. Don’t want broken crayons. I’ll help you.”
Why does he have to be so good with her? So willing to be helpful, so patient. I don’t know this version of Axel. How come it comes out with Stella? Maybe he’s just a nice guy when it comes to kids, and I’ve never really seen it. Or maybe…
Maybe he knows. Or maybe he feels it subconsciously. This child is different.
“It’s the big end of school picnic! You should come!” Stella grins.
My eyes widen. “Stella, I don’t know if that’s such a good idea.”
Axel scoffs. “Why not?”
I cross my arms. “Well, for starters, it’s being held at the Seton lot.”
His humored expression immediately drops.
“And…it’d be kinda weird since Axel isn’t a parent at the school.” At least not that he knows. “And doesn’t really know any of the kids–”
Stella gasps. “He knows me!”
“Right, well, what I mean is–”
“I want him to come. You haven’t even asked him if he can come. Can you come?” Stella asks eagerly.
“Axel is a very busy man, Stella.”
He shakes his head. “Today, I’m not.”
I narrow my eyes. Why is he making this so difficult?
“Perfect! Then you can come!”
Axel looks at Stella, then at me, and then back to Stella. “I would love to, but it would be up to your mother. I might just get in the way.”
Stella jumps out of her seat and grabs my hand. “Can he come? Please, Mommy?”
I open my mouth to respond, but quickly stop. Her little hand is softly stroking mine; her eyes are wide and pleading. It’s so hard to say no to her. Ever. I feel like I’ve denied her so much in life. I’ve denied her a traditional life from the very beginning. To deny her anything else makes me feel so guilty.
But this is Axel. I’m trying to protect her. Not to mention him showing up to the Seton lot is like yelling “Fire!” in a crowded airport. Who knows what kind of chaos he would start by being there?