Everyone starts chatting while I watch Hunter and Amy by the pool. The conversation looks somewhat intense, but maybe that’s just Hunter’s permanently furrowed brow. Amy’s lips curl to the side. Thinking. Then she nods and says something. Hunter’s frown breaks for a moment and he smiles. A grin, actually. He leans in. Is he about to hug her? But then he stops short and holds out his hand for her to shake.
When they return, Hunter gives us all an awkward nod. “Anyway, sorry to interrupt. Congratulations again, Harley. Unless I didn’t say it before, but–”
“Thank you. I love the pajamas.”
“I know they’re big. But it’ll be something she can grow into. Time flies when they’re so small.” He glances over at Jessica and Stella.
“You sound just like Gillian!” Harley exclaims.
I shrug. “It’s the truth.”
“Yes, well, anyway. We’ll get out of your hair.”
I can see Dad about to protest, ask them to stay a little bit, but Hunter jets off to grab Jessica and in ten seconds flat, they’ve disappeared back through the gate as if they were never here.
“Weird guy,” Harley says softly.
“What was that all about?” I ask as Amy takes her seat again.
She flushes. “Nothing really.”
We all look at each other.
“That’s not suspicious…” Kira says.
“Someone has a crush…” I tease.
Amy gasps. “Him?! No way. I have way higher standards than Hunter Ricks.”
“Dang, tell us how you really feel,” Harley says.
Amy huffs, her breath catching a curl of her hair in frustration. “Just because he’s a dad doesn’t mean he’s not a playboy. Besides, he’s way too cocky for me.”
“Then what was that conversation about?” Dad asks, gesturing to the table. “We’re all on the edge of our seats!”
“Well, he just–he was asking if he could have a copy of my new book. Early. For Jessica. That’s it,” Amy explains and then starts poking at some eggs on her plate.
We all watch her, wanting more information. But it never comes.
“So. DJ or live band?” Amy asks, effectively moving on from the conversation.
Something tells me there’s more to that story. Although, that’s every story in the Solace family. Everyone always knows a little more than they’re letting on. Including me. I’m not exempt. The trick, though, is not letting anyone in on my secrets. That way, I never have anyone meddling in my business.
Except the universe knows what’s going on beneath the surface. And the universe loves to throw me curveballs.
I try to go about my Saturday as usual. Hit the gym, grab a coffee, do work because who needs a weekend when you’re a workaholic.
My mind, though, doesn’t stop racing. Eventually, I’m just sitting at my computer staring at the screen, my heart throbbing with the thought that I’m one decision away from being disowned by my father.
So, I get up, grab my keys, and get back into my car. I drive for hours without knowing where I’m going. Part of that is just the evils of LA traffic. You try and go for a jaunt down the Pacific Coast Highway and suddenly you’re held up in a line of cars fifty deep with motorcycles whizzing past you between lanes. The other part is knowing the decision I need to make in order to keep things the same versus the decision I want to make…which would mean everything changes.
I’m nowhere closer to deciding what to do.
On one hand, dating Linda Drosney, even if it’s fake, for just a few months, wouldn’t be so bad. I mean, who is to say she’d even want me longer than a couple of dates. Hell, her children could come between us. After all, if I was her son, I wouldn’t be comfortable with her new boyfriend not being even a decade older than me.