Thanks, Dad. And I mean it.
The bridal party starts to walk down the aisle. All of Gillian’s sisters, my friends, capped off with my siblings: Lola, the maid of honor and Jeremiah, my best man. Jeremiah squeezes my arm once he’s set in position beside me. “You got this, man.”
I’ve been preparing all day for the moment I see Gillian walk down the aisle, but I didn’t prepare enough to see Stella in her little white dress with a basket full of flower petals arriving at the end of the aisle. When her eyes land on me, she smiles brighter than I’ve ever seen. Gillian’s smile, a copy and paste.
I hold my breath as she walks toward me. Her basket runs out slightly before she makes it to the end of the aisle. I can see the disappointment in her eyes. “Stella,” I say in order to distract her.
She looks to me and skips over, throwing her arms around my waist. I embrace her, all the guests cooing sweetly at the image.
Then the music shifts. Our song, ‘Witchcraft’, played with string instruments.
I keep Stella at my side, though we rehearsed that she’d go take her seat in the front row next to my dad. I can’t bear to let her go right now.
My heart is racing as the white curtains are pulled aside to reveal Gillian.
Though she’s flanked by Kent and Dana, she may as well be the only other person in the world. Like a spotlight is positioned on her. Gillian glows, and it’s not just because her skintight dress is covered in beads that look like constellations cascading down her curves.
She’s always glowed. Since we were kids.
Our eyes meet. All the nerves fall away.
This is all exactly right. Just as it was supposed to be.
“Daddy, you’re crying,” Stella whispers, tucking her chin against my hip and looking up at me.
I smile, though tears are streaming down my cheeks. “Yeah, you’re right. I think I am.”
She buries her face in my leg and watches with me as our life as a family comes closer and closer to fruition.
Gillian’s hair is pulled back and decorated with flowers that match the ones in my lapel, pearls dangling from her ears like dewdrops, and eyes glimmering with tears that match mine.
Takes everything in me not to run up and embrace her. But I wait. Soon enough, I’ll have her in my arms, every day, for the rest of my life.
Dana gives Gillian a hug and a kiss before coming to me. “Take care of her, alright?” she asks, lip trembling. She runs her hand through Stella’s hair. “Both of them.”
“Of course,” I reply.
Dana kisses my cheek, then steps over to the bridesmaids.
All that’s left before Gillian’s hands are in mine is her father giving her away.
Kent’s already got a Maldivian tan, making his white smile effervescent. He’s not shedding tears yet. Yet.
He leads Gillian toward me and places her hand in mine. Sparks fly through my body, the potential energy of what’s about to happen becoming real. Kent clasps our hands in his. “You two, be good.”
“No promises, Dad,” Gillian grins.
Kent pats her cheek tenderly and then sighs, bringing his gaze toward me.
I nod. “Y-yes.”
“Then she’s yours,” Kent says.
Gillian doesn’t balk even a little bit at the undercurrents of antiquity, the dated practice of her father giving her away to me. It’s not like that at all anyway. Gillian is wild and free like the ocean, like the wind. If I get to bathe in her waters, bask in her breezes, I will be the luckiest man on earth.
Kent takes Stella by the hand, leading her down to her seat, leaving Gillian and me under the canopy. Finally.
“You look amazing,” I whisper.