I stay there against the wall, catching my breath for a moment. I let my eyes close and sigh. Just a month and everything has changed. I’ve gone from a single mother to a not so single mother. And Axel has gone from a bachelor to a father. It can get overwhelming at times. But when we have each other…

I’m stunned back to reality when Axel knocks on the glass shower door.

“I’m coming!” I cry out.

“You don’t look like you’re coming!” he cries back.

“Is that a double entendre?”

He lets out a loud laugh. “Maybe.”

I grin.

* * *

“Okay, I’m ready, I’m ready,” I call out as I put my second earring in.

“Finally!” Stella chimes.

I laugh to myself as I go join them in the living room, now deemed the toy room as evidenced by how Stella has commandeered it (with a special thanks to Axel who has gone way overboard in spoiling her). “Did Daddy tell you to say that?” I ask, putting my hands on my hips and surveying the scene.

Stella is sitting on the floor putting together a racetrack for her Hot Wheels with Lola while Axel sits fixing his cuff in an armchair. The television plays in the background, already on the five o’clock news. We were supposed to be out of the house at four-forty-five to make it to Kira’s birthday dinner out in Malibu on time. Of course the one time my sister actually wants to celebrate her birthday with a party, I’d like to just curl up at home with the two people I love most in the world.

“What do you think?” Lola replies, eyeing her brother.

I look over at Axel who grins, but doesn’t look up at me, still fixated on his cufflink. Before I can respond, I’m distracted by the television.

“The struggle over the Seton lot has finally ended, as evidenced by this morning’s groundbreaking.”

I smile as I watch the screen that focuses on a bulldozer pulling up a patch of earth. The decision didn’t even need to be left to the city council once Axel brought his plans to the board at Stella’s school. Both parties agreed to drop the whole thing and leave it to Hitchins. So far, he’s made good on every promise regarding the development.

The camera switches to an image of Jeremiah, hard hat and all, smiling as he speaks to an interviewer. “We’re so proud to be able to bring the community together and make some good in the Silver Lake area. We hope to continue making good all across LA and even have plans to reconfigure an old development in Echo Park to be a beneficial community space.”

I glance at Axel who is now watching the television with a look of pride. He managed to bring Jeremiah back into the fold at Hitchins, which took some work on both sides. However, with Axel’s father taking more of a step back from the company and Axel wanting to establish a Community Care division, everyone now seems satisfied.

Axel’s now in talks to develop some properties with the Ricks Group. Turns out the positive press has been more of a boon than anyone could have imagined.

“Alright, are you ready to go, dear?” Axel asks, getting to his feet.

“Let’s do it,” I say.

Lola taps Stella on the shoulder. “Time to say goodbye, kiddo.”

Stella hops to her feet and gives me a quick hug. “Bye, Mommy.” Then, she rushes over to Axel and bounds into his arms. “BYE, DADDY!”

Axel catches her and swings her around. “Bye, kiddo!”

I cross my arms and shake my head, mostly as a joke. “What am I, chopped liver?”

Lola laughs. “She’s just used to you.”

“I’m old news.”

“That’s not what I said,” she replies, eyeing me playfully. I’m so grateful Lola and I have been able to remain as close as ever, if not closer. Now, there are no lies. And I don’t think there will be any more ever again. “You look perfect, Gill.”

I scoff. “Oh, this old thing?” I pull up the skirt of my dress. It’s brand new. A mustard yellow dress with a tie waist that reveals one of my legs. Shows you what he likes. “Axel got it for me,” I say, trying not to blush.

Lola just smiles and shakes her head. What’s that about?