Hold on, Stella, I think as I rock her back and forth. Mommy’s going to fix everything.



I contemplated not coming at all, but I know I’d never hear the end of it from Lola and Jeremiah. So, I settled on being fashionably late.

It’s hard to believe that I’m inside a big movie studio when it really feels like I’m walking a carnival midway at twilight. There’s a Ferris wheel and carousel, incredible amounts of fried food, and games complete with prizes. The only thing that confirms that I’m not outside is the air conditioning and the occasional studio lights I spot up above.

When I emerge from the “midway”, that’s when it really seems like a wedding reception. People are dancing to the music while guests mill and seethe in riotous conversation. I immediately spot Harley and Grant bouncing baby Tana back and forth. She’s gotten so big so quickly. Of course Harley’s wearing a black dress. Quintessential her going against the grain. I should go congratulate them, but I’m too nervous. I feel like I might throw up.

I run my hand through my hair and scan the party for Lola. Need her to calm my nerves before I –


Oh no. That little voice. I know it so well. In fact, it’s been playing in my dreams.

Stella runs up to me, holding a half-eaten cone of cotton candy. “Hi!”

“Hey, kiddo. Look at that cotton candy, huh?”

She jumps up on her toes and leans forward, almost like she’s going to hug me. I don’t think I’d be able to handle that. I’d burst into tears. Luckily (yet disappointingly), she doesn’t. “You want some?” She holds the cotton candy up toward me.

“You know, I’m actually good for now. Maybe later.”

Stella smiles at me; it sends a shock through my body. Her little green eyes, my eyes, looking up at me with all the sweetness in the world. How did I never notice it before?


I look up and see Hunter Ricks waving over at me. His daughter, Jessica, is hidden behind his pant leg.

Hunter moved in on the other side of the Solace’s a little over a year ago now. He’s the complete opposite of me in terms of looks. Strapping with long hair and a full beard. I wanted to hate the guy at first, but he’s just so goddamn nice and easygoing. He runs the Ricks Group, a hotel conglomerate. I can’t even imagine how deep his pockets are.

Stella immediately leaps to attention and rushes over to Hunter where she greets Jessica with an outstretched hand. The shy little girl takes it without hesitation, and they begin to play some sort of game where they dance in circles and leap in the air.

It pulls at my heartstrings to see what a good kid Stella is. Hurts to know I had literally nothing to do with it. And yet, I’m proud that she’s so kindhearted.

I have Gillian to thank for that…even though my heart still aches she didn’t deem me worthy enough to tell me about Stella until she was forced to.

I follow in Stella’s wake. Hunter greets me with a hearty handshake. “Good to see you, man.”

“You too,” I say. “This is wild, isn’t it?”

“A little overkill for my taste, but…”

I laugh. “Says the guy who boasts a hotel with a solid gold bathtub.”

“Whoa. That was not my idea,” Hunter replies.

Jessica lets out a squeal as Stella chases her. Their smiles are so big I’m afraid their faces might get stuck that way.

“But the girls are having fun, so that’s all that matters.”

“Yeah…” I’m tempted for a moment to ask where Gillian is, but not sure if my heart can handle it yet.

“So, I heard about the movement on your property development at Seton. I think that’s a good move,” Hunter says with a smile.

I can’t even describe how nice it feels for him to say that. “Thank you.”