Our lips find one another’s again and because it’s a fantasy, somehow our pelvises just lock into place, my cock slipping inside her tight, warm pussy.
This is when reality always comes washing over me again because my hand starts moving faster around my dick and I start getting worried I’ll come too fast. That’s how vivid this fantasy is.
We lay on our sides, bodies interlocking. I slide in and out of her, bare, watching the place our hips meet over and over. Gillian makes the most beautiful sounds, whimpering and clinging to me. She’s missed me. She doesn’t have to say it with words, I can feel it. Just the way her muscles are curling with pleasure.
The sounds of the beach swirl around us. Birds cawing, water lapping at the shore, an easy sea breeze.
Beach sex is much messier in real life. I know this from the time Gillian and I did it. Sand gets everywhere. It’s…ridiculous.
Which is why fantasies are so great. No sand anywhere.
Just ecstasy.
Because that’s what Gillian is. Her body. The feeling of her skin. It should be illegal that it feels so amazing.
And of course, her perfect pink center, the one I’d like to burrow inside until the day I die.
“I need you. I need you so bad,” she pants.
And inside, I know just what she means.
“Come inside.”
This is when it gets really dicey. My hand isn’t even fast enough. I have to push myself up into my hand as if I’m fucking her for real.
“Come inside me and claim me, Axel.”
My brain starts to flood with a million questions. Is it just inherently arousing, the thought of coming inside someone and leaving my seed to grow? Or is that what I really want? Want not just the experience of becoming a part of someone but the whole journey after that too?
Do I want to be that deeply enmeshed?
Gillian then starts to moan in my little fantasy, her breath quickening, her nails digging into my skin. I can feel her desperation through her hips. They seize against me over and over. Our hips bump into each other, the rush of pleasure building and building and –
“Axel, give me everything.”
“Shit, fuck, ah–” I choke out in pleasure from just touching myself to the thought of her.
Come spews up onto my belly and sits there, aching for a place to call home.
“Sorry, guys,” I mutter when I recover enough. “Maybe next time.”
Although the next time my cock finds a home, I’m pretty sure it won’t be Gillian. She won’t let me touch her with a ten-foot pole. That handshake, the one I’ve been living off of, was already crossing a line.
As much as I want her, I think I need to give up on the idea of her.
That’s way easier said than done.
* * *
I pull up in front of the bakery and put my car in park.
I just don’t know what’s good for me, do I? To be fair, I came to see Lola.
At least, that’s what I’m telling myself.
I don’t know if I’m going to even get my foot in the door seeing as the store is currently swarmed with cyclists. There are piles of bikes out front and cyclists littering all the picnic tables, a line of them trailing out the door. What the hell is going on?
“Excuse me,” I cry out. I get a few nasty glares, but I’m not trying to cut the line. Just trying to see what the hell is going on.