“Don’t be sorry. This is the best surprise ever!” Damian scoots my chair closer to him, and for a split second, my brain takes me back to the night with Ash, the night that changed everything. I sip on my water, swallowing the memory away.
I take Damian’s hand in mine, squeezing it as though still not believing he’s here. “But I don’t understand. How are you here right now? Why would she let you out?” I ask.
“I don’t know what happened exactly, but my lawyer came to see me two days ago and told me the charges were being dropped. I got released this morning. Everything you said to her, I bet it made a difference. You got through to her even though she pretended you didn’t. You set me free, Lilah. It was all you. I really believe that.” I push back the tears swimming in my eyes and smile, and for once in what feels like ages, I’m truly happy.
“Our boy is out the joint! We need to celebrate!” Jax announces.
Damian shakes his head. “Nah, not today.”
“Tomorrow then. The whole crew will want in. Come on, man. I can rent a place in the city. We’ll make a thing of it. You guys deserve a party.” Jax looks like an excited little puppy. He’s kind of sweet. And if I have to admit it, he’s kind of growing on me. Lexi is staring at him, twirling her hair, and she doesn’t even know it. They’d make some cute babies.
“Just say yes, Damian,” Gabe mutters. “You know he won’t stop hounding your ass until you agree.”
He looks over at me. “What do you think, baby? It’s your call.” Way to put me on the spot there, handsome.
I grab his face and kiss him, just a touch of our lips and my body ignites again as I stare deep into his eyes. “I say let’s do it.” We hold each other’s gaze as Jax hollers, “Hell yeah!” But we ignore him, too busy stuck in our own world.
Damian leans over, his mouth against the shell of my ear. “I’ve missed you so much, beautiful.”
“I missed you more,” I whisper back, while the waiter places our food on the table. “Do you think they’d mind if we left now?”
“Do you care?” he asks.
“Not even a little.” I ravish his neck with tiny kisses as his pulse races wildly under my lips.
“Good, let’s get out of here,” he says, and my excitement grows.Finally. “Hey guys, Lilah and I are out of here. You stay and enjoy yourselves.” He pulls my chair out and as I rise up, he entwines our hands, his long fingers rubbing against my skin. My body grows hot, a wave of pleasure coursing through me.
“I guess I should say we hopeyoutwo enjoy yourselves,” Jax says, grinning like a teenager.
“Oh God, you're such a pig!” Lexi berates. A pig she wants to bang. She stands and hugs me tight, whispering in my ear, “I’m so happy for you. You deserve it.”
“So do you, Lex, so do you. Be careful getting home. No drinking and driving for that one.” I point at Jax.
“I’d take his keys before that ever happens.” She steals a glance at him. “He’s annoying, isn’t he?”
“Annoyingly obsessed with you maybe.”
“Stop talking about me, Lex. How about you come sit on my lap and tell me all about it.”
“Ugh! See what I mean!” she grunts out loud, invoking a deep laugh from Jax.
Getting up, Gabe hugs me and pounds Damian on the shoulder. “No more trouble from you two, okay? I’m not bailing either one of you out of jail. Got it?”
“Yeah, our crime spree is over,” I giggle. “Promise.” We wave goodbye to them and walk out of the restaurant hand in hand.
Being with him right here in this moment feels surreal. I inhale the night air and whisper a thank you to whoever’s listening.
“I’m kind of glad you wore jeans,” he says, tugging me away from my thoughts with his lopsided grin.
“Why’s that?”
“Because now I can do this,” he picks me up while I yelp, placing me on top of his shoulders, “without worrying about you flashing that pretty ass.”
I laugh, half afraid. “Put me down Damian! I’m gonna fall!” I tighten my grip around his neck while he holds my thighs, ignoring the look of the passerby getting out of a taxi.
“I’d never let you fall, not without catching you first.” And with that, I lean my head against his, completely content, knowing that in his arms, I’m always safe.
Chapter 34