Even though it’s Saturday, Ash is stuck at work doing who knows what. Don’t ask me about accounting because I know next to nothing about the subject, and I’d like to keep it that way. Ash says not to bother figuring it out because I’m too stupid to understand it anyway.
I grab my black yoga pants and a ribbed red tank top, and then get dressed to go get some iced coffee. I leave my hair cascading down my back and tousle it a bit for volume. I put on some BB cream and a touch of gloss, and am ready to head out the door, when out of nowhere, I hear male voices echoing in the hallway.
Inching toward the sound, I look through the peephole and find my super, Erwin talking to a tall man with dark brown hair with his back to me.
It’s probably a potential new tenant. We’ve had an empty apartment across the hall from mine for a week now. The previous tenant, Pearl had passed away, so the building management is probably eager to fill it.
Pearl was a sweet, older woman. She had one daughter who lived in New Jersey, who came to visit as much as she could. Pearl had a home attendant during the day, but she was so lonely. I did what I could and visited her when I was home. We’d become close over the years, and she was even teaching me how to knit. I’m terrible by the way. Utterly hopeless. When her daughter had informed me of her death, I was so heartbroken. It’s still sad to see her place so empty and devoid of life.
I unlock my door and walk out into the narrow, white hallway. The two men have just stepped inside the apartment, and I’m ready to head toward the elevator when I hear Erwin’s rumbling voice. “Hey Miss Lilah, how are you?” he asks in greeting.
“Hey Erwin, I’m doing well. Going to get some coffee. Do you want anything?” He’s a sweet, older man, who’s been taking care of this building for twenty years now and continually does a great job. He always fixes a problem right away, instead of ignoring it like many other supers do.
“Nah, Miss I’m okay. I’m showing Pearl’s apartment to a young man. He’s probably taking it, so I wanted to give him a few minutes to look around.”
“Oh, that’s great. Let me know if you change your mind about the coffee. I really don’t mind. You have my number.”
I begin heading for the elevator, when all of a sudden, I hear the gruff voice that’s been invading my mind ever since I heard it last night.
“Everything looks great, Mr. Jones. I definitely want it. When may I move in?” And just like that, I’m breathless. I let out an audible gasp and quickly cover my mouth. It can’t be. Every nerve ending on my skin hums like it’s playing a song I don’t recognize.
His massive height and build is the first thing I notice as he makes his way out. He stops short, brows raised in disbelief. My mouth goes slack and I swallow the tight lump in my throat. We both stare, completely overwhelmed by what we’re seeing.
Once the shock melts away, his lopsided grin appears on his lips. “Are you stalking me, Lilah?”
My eyes narrow, and just like that the spell was broken. “I highly doubt that’s how stalking works, you know considering I live right here,” I inform him, pointing toward my apartment. “And wait, how do you know my name? Areyousome sort of stalker,Damian?”
He smiles brightly, revealing his perfect, white teeth, the corners of his eyes crinkling. “I don’t think I’m supposed to tell you.”
Hand on my hip, I glare at him. “Well now you have me curious.”
“Tell Lexi I’m sorry.” The smile never leaves his face.
“What did that girl do now?” I roll my eyes.
He tries to hide his amusement by covering his mouth with his large hand. “While you were in the bathroom last night, she told me how sorry you’d be about your very rude behavior and apologized on your behalf.”
“Did she now? Well, can’t say I’mthatsorry.”
He places his hands against his chest, pretending to be wounded. “Ouch!”
“So, I take it you two know each other?” I completely forgot Erwin was here.
“Oh, umm…” Heat creeps up my chest. I don’t want him to misunderstand our playful banter and assume there’s something going on.
Damian replies, saving me. “No, we don’t. We just so happened to meet last night, completely by chance.”
He glances from me to Damian. “Well, isn’t that something.”
The scrutiny is making me extremely uncomfortable. “It was nice chatting but…I gotta go. Bye.” I turn around and hightail out of there.
He can’t be my neighbor. I never thought I’d lay eyes on him again. What the hell are the chances? I couldn’t get him out of my mind and now I may have to see him all the time.
When he helped me up yesterday, the contact was too much. I couldn’t handle the nervous reaction he brought out in me. It felt like I was a fangirl meeting her favorite celebrity.
What’s even worse is, he looks so familiar. But I can’t figure out how I know him. I must be imagining it. There’s no way we’ve met before. I would’ve remembered him.
As I’m walking away, I hear his deep, hypnotizing voice. “Bye, neighbor. I guess I’ll be seeing you around.” The laughter in it is so genuine. Ash and I haven’t laughed together in years. I forgot how much I’ve missed it.