Page 3 of Fragile Scars

I don’t know what’s making you look so sad, but whatever it is, it’s not worth it. Hope tomorrow is a better day.


I sip my beer, watching her as she leans in, listening to the bartender who points in my direction. She looks over at me, her brow arching up, and quickly scans the note. Once she’s done, she shoots me an intense glare. Her hand lifts, and for a second I think she’s about to say hello, but instead she gives me the finger.Well that escalated rather quickly. Her friend reads the note and stifles a laugh.

“Why did that girl just flip you off?” Gabe asks as I turn toward him.

Jax chuckles, looking around for the girl. “Dude, you just got here, and you’ve already pissed a girl off? That may be a record even for you. How do you expect to get some?”

“Remind me again not to send women drinks.”

Gabe studies me with a narrowed gaze. “Why would she flip you off for that? What else did you do, D?”

“Nothing serious. I only sent her a note telling her whatever’s upsetting her wasn’t worth it,” I mutter. “Can we move on now? This is why I don’t go out.”

“Which girl was it?” Jax asks as he looks around the bar again. “Oh wait, never mind. I’m assuming it’s the hot one throwing daggers at you. Well, guess you’re not gettinghernumber.”

“Great, because I wasn’t looking for it.” I continue drinking my beer trying to ignore him.

“C’mon Damian,” Gabe says. “In all seriousness you should try to get out there. I know you want to. You’re not him, man.”

He’s always trying to convince me I won’t turn out like my father. He wasn’t there. He doesn’t know how I lived. I wouldn’t put my woman or our kids through that kind of life.

Funny thing is, he refuses to get serious with anyone himself. Suffering more than his share of damage from our days in Delta Force, along with being dumped by the only woman he ever loved once he returned, made him closed off. So now he refuses any real intimacy. I actually want it, but I won’t let myself have it.

“Don’t start. Not today. Let’s just forget it and enjoy the game.” They finally leave me alone after that, and I stop watching the mystery woman.

I’m almost ready to head out, when I hear a soft voice behind us. “Hey, sorry about my friend, Lilah.” I rotate around to face the blond friend as she continues to speak. “She’s had a tough day. Her boyfriend’s a big-time jerk. Your note was sweet. I know she’ll feel like shit later about giving you the finger, so I wanted to apologize for her.”

“It’s okay. Don’t worry about it. But tell her she deserves better.” Why would she be with someone who treats her like that?

“Yeah, tell her to dump his ass. Life’s too short,” Jax says. “Plus, we’re all single here. What about you? Are you single?” he asks, wagging his brows. I glare at him, shaking my head. This guy gets more women than anyone I know and he’s still constantly on the hunt, looking for more.

She bites her lip. Her hazel eyes sparkle as if asking when they can fuck, while she absently twirls her long hair with her finger. “I am, yes.”

Jax has women hungry for him like puppies clamoring for their favorite snack. And he knows it too. The blond hair and ice-blue eyes will do that. I’ve yet to see a woman turn him down.

“My name is Lexi.” He reaches his hand toward her and they shake. “I’m Jax. Nice to meet you. This here is Damian and Gabriel.” We both offer a tight-lipped smile.

“How about we exchange numbers and hang out another day?” Jax pulls out his cell phone before she even answers.

“Yeah sure, give me your phone.” She takes it from his outstretched hand and programs her number into it. “Well, I should go before Lilah gets out of the bathroom and bites my head off for speaking with you guys.” She waves goodbye and walks back to her seat.

Just then Lilah steps out of the restroom and scans the bar until her eyes land on mine. She struts toward her friend without taking her eyes off me, but suddenly, she loses her footing and falls hard onto the floor. Her knees hit the ground as I fly out of my chair and rush over.

“Are you okay?” I offer her my hand and she takes it. But just as quickly she withdraws, as if my touch burns her tanned skin.

Finally upright, her cheeks go pink while she plays with the hem of her tight, black tank top. Now that we’re mere inches away, her eyes evade mine.

“Yeah, I’m just clumsy. Umm, thanks for that and the drink too.”

Warmth spreads across my chest. “No need to thank me.” I glimpse at her again but she’s too busy fiddling with her shirt.

“Well, I have to go. See ya.” Her voice is a tentative whisper in a crowded room. She turns and walks away, leaving me smirking in her wake.

I let my eyes wander a little. She’s so beautiful. Her brown hair is up in a high ponytail, the ends curling in waves. She’s a tiny little thing with a small waist and full hips. And those eyes? Glistening sapphires. It feels like I’ve seen them before, but I can’t place them. Nah, not possible. A man doesn’t forget a woman who looks like her.

I make it back to the guys just as she’s heading out the door. She looks back at me, opening her mouth as if to say something, but walks out instead.