Page 44 of Fragile Lies

Jax chuckles. “Anne it is.”

“What are you saying about my mother?” Dad asks, approaching us holding a drink.

“Nothing, except how wonderful she is.” Mom rolls her eyes playfully and us girls laugh. Grandma is a hard nut to crack. She’s a bit too critical, especially of Mom. She’s one of those tough to please types of people but we love her anyways…most of the time.

“So, you’re the young man behind this amazing party, huh?” Dad asks.

“I guess I am.” Jax grins, and Dad reaches out a hand to shake his.

I glance around the room as they continue to talk, in awe that he went out of his way for me. It’s like he knew exactly what I’d like. I love that he kept it small, only inviting our friends and my family.

“I hope you all enjoy yourselves,” Jax says. “The appetizers will be out soon, and the waiters will be coming around a little later with dinner options.”

“Fancy,” Amber remarks, her brown eyes taking in the room.

Jax smirks and my sister who’s tough as nails, never letting a man get to her, actually looks shyly at the floor.

“If it’s okay with Lexi, I’d like to show her around and then I’ll return her back.”

“Oh, don’t worry child, you can keep her. I’m sure she’d like to say thanks in private.”

“Mom!” I know exactlyhowshe means.

She winks. “Pretend I didn’t say anything.”

I shake my head in humiliation. “Already done,” I holler over my shoulder as I drag a laughing Jax out of there.

“Go have fun and do everything I would,” she shouts back.

“Ignore her. She’s special.”

“She’s funny. That’s nothing compared to what she said to me on the phone.”

I freeze, turning to him as my eyes practically fall out. “Tell me!” His lips form a tight line and he tries to stifle a laugh. “Or you know what? Actually, don’t tell me. I can only imagine how that conversation went.” My face grows hot.Oh, Mother.

He grabs my hand, entwining our fingers. We continue walking around the room and as we approach the stunningly decorated table, I can’t look away. It’s as though he went inside my head and recreated what I find beautiful. My eyes are hypnotized by the crystal stemware, gold-rimmed dinner plates, and lilac tablecloths with glistening silver table runners.

But the centerpiece is out of this world. The towering vase sparkles as it holds light pink and cream-colored flowers, and on each side of it lies a thin, tall glass votive candle holder, alternating with low profile gold bowls, all of which hold a candle. They extend across the entire span of the table, casting it in lustrous radiance.

“I can’t believe you did this,” I finally say, tearing my eyes away from the table and cutting my gaze to his. “And here I thought I wouldn’t see you today.”

He lifts my hands and kisses my fingertips. “I’d never miss your birthday.”

“I really thought you didn’t know when it was when I asked you to come to dinner.”

“Give me some credit.” His eyes gleam from the light surrounding us or maybe something more.

“And bringing my family here…Jax.” I choke up with tears. And instead of telling him about all the confusing emotions I have for him, especially after tonight, I bottle it up and drop it into a stream of water, letting the waves swallow it away.



We standface to face and it’s like I’m looking into the face of an angel, sent to drag me out of hell. But she doesn’t belong in my world. She’s beauty, where I’m savagery. She’s life, where I’m death. She’s love, where I’m misery. I’d ruin her and all the good she possesses. She deserves someone normal, not someone as messed up as I am.

I used to think I was lonely before I met her, but I knew nothing. Being with her has given me a taste of true loneliness. I’ve already felt the anguish of days spent without her, seen another man’s hands touch her in places only I want to be, seen the way she loves him, and it fucking crushed me. And on those days, I’ve wanted to tear my heart open and let her in, fuck the consequences and the fears, fuck it all. I’ve wanted her to make my shattered heart beat again, like it did before everything changed.

But I live in reality, where my demons reign with an iron fist and darkness floods, smothering out the light, and her light needs to shine bright, far away from me. I’m bound to be alone forever, it’s just how it has to be.