Page 10 of Fragile Lies

“Okay,” she whispers against the quake of my chest. I grab a hold of her hand, the one she just used to touch me, and we finally head for the restaurant.

If she only knew the type of ugly shit my mind plays, she’d never want to be around me. Best thing I could do is keep that part of my life under control when I’m with her.

We enter the restaurant and are immediately seated at the corner table as I requested. The place is small and intimate with colorful mood lighting and soft music. I peer at her as she picks up her glass of water and brings it to her lips.

Her face lights up under the glow of the small candles and all I want to do is kiss her with every beat of my damaged heart.

A waiter comes around handing us some menus, then leaves us to our silence. I’ve never had a problem with talking, especially to women, yet right now, I don’t have a clue what to say, nor how to climb out of the uncomfortable mess I’ve created.

“Have you ever been here before?” she asks, finally ending the quiet.

“Yeah, a few times. You’ll love the food.” I take a few big gulps of my water, hoping to suppress the nerves that are screaming out from the pores of my skin.

She picks up the menu and I do the same, scanning through the options. “Does Lilah know about us?” I ask, gazing up at her.

Tilting her head to the side, she meets my eyes. “What’s there to know? We’re friends and that’s all. I’d rather not make her think this is something it isn’t.” She places her menu down on the table and I put mine on top of hers. “She’s been wanting me to finally meet someone, so it’s best to keep this between us instead of having her think it’s something it isn’t.”

“Why does she want you to meet someone so badly?”

“My last relationship was around a year ago and well it ended badly. I haven’t been with anyone since.”

My brows lift up in surprise. “Been with anyone as in dating or…” I’m sure she doesn’t meanthat.

She runs a hand through her hair and blushingly looks down at her lap.

Jerking my head back, I grab on to the edge of the table with both hands. “Wait a second, you haven’t had sex in ayear?”

A nervous smile plays on her lips as she looks back up. “Nope.” She grabs her drink and takes a few sips, peeking up at me from above the straw. “Stop looking at me like I’m crazy.”

“Not crazy, just really deprived.” I lean back against the chair. “Geez, Lex, if we weren’t supposed to be friends, I’d take you to my place and change that. A few times.”

She tugs the corner of her lip between her teeth and the urge to suck on it, to force my tongue inside the warmth of her mouth takes over and goes straight to my cock. “Very tempting offer,truly, but ah—no thanks.”

“Maybe you’re right. I have a feeling if we ever took things there, we wouldn’t stop at just once.” I don’t know what it’d be like fucking the same woman more than once but for the first time I want to find out. Maybe I could try without getting too close.

The waiter comes back just in time to kill my fantasy of her desperately clenching my sheets as her pussy clenches around my tongue. Once he leaves with our order, I wonder how the hell she’s gone a year without getting fucked. What the hell is that even like? The longest I ever went was two months while on a mission. I don’t even know how I lasted.

She narrows her eyes. “Stop picturing me naked.”

“Fine, you caught me.” I raise my hands up in defeat. “I won’t even deny it. But I’m doing a little more than imagining you naked. I just want to be completely honest and all.” I grin widely, not an ounce of shame.

“You probably wouldn’t like what you see anyway,” she mumbles, almost like she didn’t mean for the words to slip out.

Why the fuck not? Has she seen herself?“You wanna bet, babe?” I lean over the table. “There’s nothing about you I wouldn’t like. You can count on that.”

She looks down at the table before meeting my eyes and I catch the hurt lurking in hers before she blinks, tucking it away for safe keeping. I don’t know what she’d ever have to be insecure about. She’s far too beautiful to ever feel anything less than that.

The food finally arrives, shrimp pad Thai and roasted duck to split, and we eat in silence for a while. I pop a shrimp into my mouth, all the while wondering how she likes it. Is she wild or tame? Is she loud? I bet I could make her scream with just my fingers. My cock gets dangerously hard. I shift awkwardly in my seat, trying to think about anything else but her naked.

We finish our food and split coconut ice cream for dessert. And as I watch those lips suck on the spoon, my dick twitches.Fuck me! Literally.

After she finishes torturing me without even knowing, we head out of the restaurant walking side-by-side. And though the street’s filled with noisy traffic, I still hear my pulse beating, banging in my head. I grab her hand, my larger one engulfing her small one, and instead of letting go, she holds on tighter.

We silently make it to my car. Neither one of us moves, we stay glued together, staring at our joined hands. I rub my thumb against her warm, inviting skin. She parts her lips, glancing up, her brows creasing with want or maybe something else entirely.

I don’t take the time to analyze it more, my palm is on the back of her head before I know what I’m doing, and I kiss her. Her mouth lands hot against mine and she kisses me back. Our tongues twist roughly, and my heart twists right along to the cadence of her moans, echoing into my mouth.

My fingers sink into her thick hair, bringing her mouth deeper into mine. Her passionate gasp shoots straight to my dick, now rigid and throbbing. I push her up against the side of the car, forcing our bodies into one another as far as they can go. Her hands bunch up in my shirt while opening up her mouth even more, consuming me. I want to touch her everywhere, want to slip my hand beneath her jeans and make her come, make her feel what she does to me, but I don’t want to push her, not yet.