Page 41 of Fragile Lies

“I haven’t been moping, and geez, Mom! Seriously? Idon’twant to listen to things about you and Dad!”

“Oh lord, you my child are so prudish. How do you think we made you kids?” I don’t want to know about my parents’ sex life. It’s enough I walked in on them when I was eleven. I’ll never forget that day. Never. No one needs to see their parents doing that. Kama Sutra has nothing on those two.

“You know one of my friends has a son who lives in NYC and he’ssingle,” she says the word with excitement as though she’s dangling a prize in front of my face. “He may help you out with your little problem.”Ahhh!She’s got sex on the brain and she’s not going to drop it. Why the hell did I ever tell her I hadn’t had sex in a long time, that is until Jax. I need to change the subject.Stat.

“I don’t have a problem. As a matter of fact, Mommy dearest, I’m having a ton of sex, so don’t worry about me.”

“What!” She turns giddy and I swear she just clapped. “Well, that’s my girl! Wait until I tell your sisters.So, who’s the lucky man?”

“Just a guy. A friend of Damian’s.”

“Why haven’t you told any of us about this man? What’s his name?”

“Because I know how you get. Oh, and maybe I didn’t want to share my sex life with you?”

“You love my intrusiveness.”

Not really.“His name is Jax.” I shouldn’t have given her his name. What if they meet? There’s no doubt she’ll torture him too, probably worse than me.

“Jax? Really?” she asks as though she’s surprised.

“What do you mean,really? Yeah, some people do have that name.”

“That’s not what I meant—ah never mind.”

Well that was a bit weird.

“Does he make you happy, baby?” Her tone’s softer now.

“I’m,” I let out a deep breath, “as happy as I can possibly be.”

“Well maybe one day you can be happier, but for now, enjoy yourself.”

“Is that my Lexi?” Dad asks from somewhere in the house before grabbing the phone away from Mom and putting me on speaker. “Hi Honey, I miss you. I’m so disappointed we can’t see you tonight. We’ll try to make it out next month, all right?”

“It’s okay, Daddy, you guys have houses to sell. I understand. I’m banking all my vacation time for the holidays or I’d come out there. I miss you, guys.”

“You’re going to make me cry. I miss you more, sweetheart.”

“Aww, you’re still the big softy I know and love.”

“I probably got a bit softer since you saw me last.”

I giggle, picturing him rubbing his belly like Buddha. “That’s okay. More to love.”

“You can say that again,” Mom announces. My parents are the poster couple for a happy marriage. I don’t think we’ve ever seen them fight. They’ve always been in love and it’s beautiful, even when it makes me sick. I want something like that one day and I don’t think I’ll ever find it.

“Well, I have to get going,” I say, choking up a bit with emotion. “I should probably start getting ready for tonight.”

“Okay, honey,” Dad says. “You go and have a nice time. We’ll talk soon.”

“Bye, darling!” Mom shouts over the phone. “Hope you get some tonight!”

“Oh, come on, Anne! I don’t need to hear that. My poor ears!”

“You and me both, Dad! Bye, guys. Always a pleasure.” I hang up, meaning that with all my heart. I always feel good after a conversation with my parents, even with my mom’s antics. It makes me feel closer to them even when we’re far apart.

I stand up, walking back into my apartment. Is it bad that I’m not in the mood to go out? I usually am, but tonight I just don’t care. Maybe it has to do with Jax not being there. Lilah told me yesterday that she and Damian wanted to take me out to dinner, which was sweet, but I was hoping Jax would be there too.