Cody: Can I call you right now?
Jenna: Service in the air isn’t that great. I tried answering your call, but it didn’t go through.
How quickly I’ve turned again to my lying ways.
Cody: Okay, what about tonight? Can I call you then?
Jenna: I’ll be working.
My fingers pause over the keyboard, contemplating my next thought.
Jenna: And what good would talking do? We’re kind of at a standstill, don’t you think? Let’s just cut our losses before anything more happens. I told you last night. I’m fine.
Cody: But I’m not fine.
Those words equally melt and hurt my heart at the same time.
Jenna: This is Cody Banner we’re talking about. You’re going to be just fine. Give it a few days.
Cody: What if I don’t want to give it a few days?
Jenna: It doesn’t matter. I want to give it a few days.
Cody: Okay, I can respect that. We’ll give it a week while you’re in Milan and talk when you get home.
Jenna: Sure. I’ll text you when I get back.
I’m absolutely not texting him when I get home.
Cody: Jenna, I miss you.
Not enough to love me.
I click off the phone and continue my in-depth analysis of the clouds out my window.
“Okay, do you want me to set up a reading for those movie parts?” Tawny looks at me expectantly.
“Sure.” I nod. “And I also want you to prepare the Cody Banner amicable breakup story to go public the day I get home from Milan.”
“Jenna,” Tawny pouts. “I think you’re making a mistake. My professional opinion is that you should keep this fake relationship going, at least until you get one of the roles in the movie.”
“And what if I don’t get the movie role? Then what? How long do we let this charade keep going?”
“Until it no longer benefits us.”
“That’s where I’m at right now. Being in a relationship with Cody doesn’t benefit me.” I glance back to the window. “Make the breakup happen.”
Tawny sulks into her chair but doesn’t say anything, which is good because, despite her tantrum, I’m not changing my mind about ending this fake relationship.
Everyone can count to five. It’s the first number sequence a child learns. It’s how many fingers are on a hand (I’m including the thumb). And it’s the number of days it’s been seen I’ve talked to Jenna. Suddenly, five feels like the biggest number ever created.
I’m struggling.
I ate a double bacon cheeseburger and then didn’t work out for two days. My showers are no longer showers but afternoon events until the hot water turns cold. And the first four episodes of The Promised Prince play on repeat at my house. Episode four comes out tomorrow, so obviously, I’ll be busy watching that all day, over and over.