Rayne grabbed the collar of my shirt and pulled me down to her, kissing me, tangling her tongue with mine.
“I made food. Spaghetti.”
“Not hungry for that kind of food.”
All my blood shifted south, and I groaned. How was I supposed to resist this woman?
I twisted us so she straddled my lap while I leaned up against the couch. That way, her ankle could rest. God, I couldn’t wait for us to be able to do everything in my head. I wanted to fuck her against the wall. On the table. Grab both her ankles with my hands and hold them out of the way while I drove into her.
We got her pajama pants far enough off to work, and Rayne reached between us, pulling my cock out of the boxer briefs I still had on. Neither of us could wait any longer than that. She sank down onto me with aching slowness, hands on my shoulders.
“I hope you don’t mind,” I said. “I’ve decided I’m going to live with my cock inside you. You’re not allowed to go anywhere else. Just sit on me so I can feel you like this.”
She laughed breathlessly. “I think both our jobs might object to that.”
Pulling her face to mine, I consumed her mouth. “Who needs a job when I can have your pussy?”
“Cole.” She ground down onto me, moving her hips in a way that made lights flash behind my eyes.
More. Faster. This wasn’t a time for soft and slow. I needed to feel her like I needed to breathe. I grabbed her hips and yanked her down harder on my cock, making sure her clit made contact with every stroke. “That’s right, princess. Say my name.”
“Cole,” she whispered again, head dropping onto my shoulder. She breathed it into my neck. “Cole.”
My eyes rolled back in my head as she squeezed down on me like a vise. “You have no idea what hearing my name on your lips does to me, Rayne. It turns me into an animal. A caveman. I want to mark you as mine and mine alone.”
I drove up into her, unleashing all that was left of my strength and reaching between us to find her clit. She released a broken cry—the first sign I’d found what she needed. There it was. I loved the sound of her orgasm and the feel of her pulsing around my cock. It was heady and addictive.
Gripping her hair, I pulled her mouth to mine again, just stopping short of kissing her. “Let me have it, princess. Close your eyes, and give me your pleasure.”
Rayne threw her head back, going over the edge, hauling in ragged breaths that told me she was imploding. I wasn’t sure which I liked better—the sound of her screaming my name as she came, or this. Silent and breathless and so overcome she couldn’t make a sound.
Releasing myself, I drove upward. Three more strokes, and I came. With Rayne, I was always halfway there.
When I lifted her off my cock, it shone with her wetness in the firelight. My body was drenched with her, and if I had it my way, I’d spend the rest of my life that way. But right now, I needed to make sure we were both alive in order to stay like that.
“Here,” I said, helping her into her pajama pants.
Rayne’s eyes were glazed in the aftermath of her orgasm. She laughed quietly. “Getting a girl dressed this fast after sex isn’t a great sign, Cole.”
I laughed too. “Rayne, if everything was exactly the way I wanted it, we’d spend a month in this cabin. Warm and comfortable, able to go outside if we wanted to, and with nothing better to do than fuck each other for days. You wouldn’t be allowed to wear clothes in here, and I’d tie you to the bed just to make sure it happened. Am I clear?”
“Clear.” The single word was raw, her eyes wide with shock and lust as she stared at me.
Pulling up my own underwear, I put pants on. “But we need to talk about some things, about this predicament we’re in, and I can’t be distracted by your body while we do it.”
She grinned. “Am I that distracting?”
“One kiss and I needed to stop everything and fuck you. What do you think?”
Rayne sat up and brushed through her hair with her fingers, but I caught the satisfaction there. I’d give her more where that came from. It didn’t have to be this cabin. It could be her house. Or an island in Mexico where we could spend time on the beach and take off our suits in the water. I could tie her to beds there too.
I started to harden again before shifting my thoughts. Get it together, Cole.
“While you were sleeping, and I made the food—which we’ll need to heat up again, by the way.”
Rayne winked unapologetically.