I nodded. “They’re trying to prevent anyone from knowing what’s on there. If the FBI already knows, there’s not really a point to taking out everyone who could say something. I won’t lie to you. It doesn’t mean they won’t still try, but I agree it’s your best option right now.”
Daniel shifted. “They have arrangements in place to get you there quickly and anonymously. All we have to do is tell them, and you’ll be on a flight tomorrow.”
“Cole too,” Rayne said.
The tightness in my chest eased. I wanted to go with her, though I didn’t have any right. But watching her walk out of my sight when someone was hunting her? Unthinkable.
Jude looked at me. “Think your pals will be okay with you tagging along?”
“They better be,” I said. “Because I’ll be there either way.”
Rayne’s eyes were on mine, and mine were on hers. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Daniel and Jude look between the two of us, clearly seeing what we no longer hid. “Thanks,” she said.
“Make the call,” I told them. “We’ll be ready whenever they are.”
“Will do,” Jude said, standing.
Daniel stood as well. “You guys are good here?” The single word told me he’d been planning to offer one of us a different cabin. He watched Rayne, waiting for the answer, as it should be.
Her cheeks turned pink, and she pressed her lips together. “Yeah, we’re okay. Thank you.”
“Keep your phones on,” he said with a nod. “We’ll let you know the plan as soon as we’re able.”
“Thank you.”
I saw them to the door, locking it behind them.
“You really want to come with me?”
Raising an eyebrow, I strode toward her and lifted her off the couch. “I’m glad you asked first, because I know it’s probably an asshole move, but letting you walk away from me to go to the city where the mafia is hunting you alone? That was never going to happen.”
“You’re right,” she said. “It is a bit of an asshole move. But in this case, I don’t mind.”
The air in the bedroom felt good after being chilled in the other cabin for so long. “Sex when we’re already warm? Maybe I’ll get a chance to overheat you.”
Rayne laughed, already pulling herself up closer to me. “So sure we’re having sex?”
“Only if you want,” I said mildly, my body hardening as she brushed her lips over my neck. “But I’ve only just started on the list of ways I need to make you come.”
She pulled back, staring at me as I lowered her to the bed and flicked on the low lamp. “There’s a list?”
“There is.” I lowered myself over her. “It’s a very long list.”
Rayne’s eyes sparkled, the fierceness I loved back in her gaze. “I guess we better get started, then.”
* * *
Chicago felt different now.
While I hadn’t been happy here because it represented my failure, now it felt like a battlefield. Even being escorted from the plane directly to the field office felt risky. Rayne felt the same, keeping her hand in mine, and I didn’t care that she squeezed my hand so tight it left marks.
The Bureau had put us on a plane under false names, and passing through security was easier than I’d imagined it would be. But we were here now, pulling up to the field office through the downtown streets.
Without even discussing it, both of us felt more at ease around each other and showing what we were to others. Now, in the back of the car, I held Rayne against me, my lips at her temple, and she held me where she could. If she needed an anchor, I would happily be there for her.
Rayne kept reaching her hand into her inner coat pocket where the flash drive was kept, making sure it was still there. I understood the impulse, but we were almost there.
“Thank you for coming with me,” she whispered. Even though she was quiet, the guy driving us looked back in the rearview mirror. I glared at him, and he looked away.