“River,” Ashley says while looking down her nose at her. “Just had to snatch Hayes right back up the moment you’re in town?”
“Ashley.” River mocks her tone. “Just had to touch what isn’t yours the moment you realize it didn’t want you anymore?”
“I resent being called an it,” I grumble behind her.
“You’ll be perfect together.” Ashley sneers at me when I wrap an arm around River’s shoulders and pull her back into my front. “You’re both just the epitome of class.”
“Careful, Ashley,” River warns. “Use big words and your brain might overheat.”
For a second, I’m worried that Ashley is going to get her claws out and use them on River’s face. I tense, ready to pull her out of the way if Ashley decides she’s going to lash out. I’m familiar with the look. Hell, her throwin’ that coffee mug at me wasn’t the first time she chucked something at me. It was the first time she hit her target, though. I had a black eye for a week.
“Whatever.” Ashley whips around, her hair almost smacking River in the face, and stalks off back to her group of women. She says something, and within a few minutes, they’re all following her out the front door.
“I need you to stand here for a second,” I whisper into River’s ear. “Because that little display of jealousy has my cock about to burst through my zipper.”
“I was so ready to watch a fight,” Wells says, walking over with Rhett and Poppy.
“I was ready to give backup.” Poppy holds her fists up like she’s ready to fight, bouncing on her toes like a boxer.
“Easy, killer.” Rhett rolls his eyes and gently pushes her arms down with a soft smile. He looks at her like she’s the sun he revolves around, and I wonder if that’s what I look like when I look at River.
“See you kids back at home.” Momma smiles as she walks up to me and gives me a kiss on the cheek. “You did fantastic, baby.”
“Thanks, Momma.”
“Proud of you, son.” Pops claps me on the shoulder. “Good to see you so happy.”
River cranes her head back to look at me as my parents walk away, and I kiss her on her forehead. I know why I look so happy, and it’s not just because I’m playing in front of people again. It’s because of this girl right here in my arms and the way she gave me a second chance.
“We’re gonna head out. Babysitter couldn’t stay late tonight.” Rhett gives me one of his rare smiles. “You did good, Hayes.”
“Careful. Y’all are gonna give him a praise kink with all this mushy shit,” Wells jokes. “And then he’ll be insufferable.”
“He already is most of the time,” River chimes in.
“I didn’t realize it was rip on Hayes hour?”
Everyone has a good little laugh at my expense and then says their goodbyes. I’ll get a ride home with River after her shift, and I have Rhett take my guitar so I don’t have to carry it around for the rest of the night. River is on a closing shift with Bill and another bartender tonight, so we’ll be here for a while.
But when we get to the bar, Bill tells us to leave for the night, that he and the other girl can handle it.
“You’ve been working a lot of shifts,” he tells her. “Take the night off and have some fun.”
“Are you sure?” She seems hesitant to accept the night off. But I’m not.
“He’s sure,” I answer for him, smiling when he rolls his eyes at me. We’ve all known Bill since we were kids, and he’s a good guy. “Let’s go.”
“You treat her right, Hayes Black!” he calls out as I walk her out of the bar. “She’s a good one.”
“She’s a great one,” I tell him. Probably the one, I think to myself.
“Can I drive?” I ask as we walk over to her Jeep.
“I suppose?” She gives me a questioning look. “Why?”
“Because I have somewhere I want to take you.”
She tosses me the keys.