Opening the chat with Lily, I type out a message.
Callan: I’m okay. I’m sorry for how I spoke to you. I’m sorry I left you there. Please call me so I can explain.
I watch as the message goes through and wait until Ellie comes back with the tablets before I close the chat.
“Thanks, Ellie,” I murmur as I take the Tylenol from her. I swallow it down with some coffee, then lean back on the couch.
After my third cup of coffee, I start to feel a little better.
I check my phone and see Lily still hasn’t read the message, so I type another one.
Callan: Hey, baby. I wish you’d respond so I could explain my actions from last night. I’m so fucking sorry I raised my voice at you. I was having a panic attack and lost my mind. Not that I’m excusing my behavior. I just want to explain myself. I miss you.
“Who are you texting?” Ellie asks. “Lily?”
I’ve only told my family about Lily but haven’t brought her around to meet them because I wanted to keep her to myself a little while longer.
Jesus, I hope I still get the chance to introduce Lily to them.
“Yes.” I let out a heavy sigh. “I fucked up last night.”
“How?” my sister asks.
I glance at Ellie, then admit, “After I saw Jackson, I kind of lost it.”
Her eyes widen. “What did you do, Callan?”
“I was going to punch Jackson, but Lily jumped between us.” When my sister looks like she’s going to have a heart attack, I quickly add, “I didn’t hit Lily! Jesus, Ellie. You know me better. I stopped in time.”
She lets out an overly dramatic sigh of relief. “Then, what happened?”
“I rushed out…” I lower my eyes to the phone in my hands as I mutter, “I shouted at Lily and practically threw her out of my car.”
I hear Ellie gasp. “Nooooo, Callan. Shit. You didn’t mean to though? Right?”
I shake my head. “You know what happens when I get one of those attacks. I didn’t want the woman I’m in love with to see me like that.” So fucking weak. “I was losing my mind.” I let out a sigh. “I just knew I needed to get to Dad.”
Ellie comes to sit next to me and wraps her arm around my lower back. “Oh, Callan. I’m sorry.”
The corner of my mouth lifts in a worried smile. “She’s not answering my call or messages. I’m scared she won’t give me a chance to explain.”
Ellie lets out an audible sigh. “Give her time. If a guy shouted at me and chased me out of his car, I wouldn’t speak to him for days.”
My heartbeat speeds up as I stare at my little sister. “Days?”
I’ll die if I have to wait that long.
Unlocking the screen, I open my contacts list, but before I can press dial, Ellie grabs the device from me. “Don’t do that.” She levels me with a serious expression. “You need to give Lily time. You’ve already left messages. You’ll just upset her more by hounding her.”
“Give her at least until tonight,” Ellie adds before she drops my phone on the coffee table.
“I might die before then, but okay.”
My little sister hooks her arm through mine and rests her head on my shoulder. “I’m sorry all of this happened. I’m sure Lily will talk to you again.”
“I pray you’re right,” I murmur.
Christ, I don’t know what I’ll do if Lily can’t forgive me.
Chapter 33
I’ve barely slept, and to say I’m worried about Callan is the understatement of the century.
Using my laptop, I’ve managed to contact the landlord of a two-bedroom house in Hasting-on-Hudson, and he’s agreed to let me view the place at nine-thirty. The rent is two thousand six hundred, which I’m able to afford for at least five months.
It gives me time to sell some of my art pieces.
You’re going to be fine.
My wrist feels much worse today, but I don’t have time to go to the emergency room. There’s too much to do.
Hating that I have to leave The Ritz, and fearing Callan will return while I’m gone, I take a cab to meet with Jeffrey, the landlord.
I just hope I get to speak to Callan before he flies to Houston.
Honestly, I’m scared out of my mind that he won’t want to see me again. With my father's role in letting Theo walk free, I know there’s a possibility Callan will end things between us.
God. Please. Don’t let me lose Callan. Give me a chance to explain things to him.
As I send up the prayer, the cab stops outside the rental. “Can you wait five minutes?” I ask the driver.
He nods, and as I climb out of the car, my eyes scan over the modest house. The garden needs some attention, and a new coat of paint on the walls will do wonders.