My eyes meet Mex’s, and he stares right at me with a look I can’t quite figure out. Then, he turns his eyes to Western. He gives us both a scalding look, but eventually nods and we all head to his office. Not before Mex turns to the beautiful woman and murmurs, “We’ll finish this later.”
Those words make me want to scream, punch him in the face, and cry all at the same time. I’m not good at dealing with emotions, especially ones that I’m not familiar with, such as jealousy and hurt. I don’t like it, and the quicker I can get the hell away from this town, the better. I can’t let myself feel a single thing for the biker now following me down the hall, his body heat radiating onto my neck, he’s walking so close.
I pick up the pace.
I don’t want him close to me.
We all enter Western’s space, and I rush to a chair by the window, sitting down on it as I watch the bikers all step into the room and close the door. I can’t help the way my eyes travel over Mex’s chest. Fuck, I want him so bad it’s causing an ache deep inside that I’m struggling not to put my entire focus on. Crossing my legs, to attempt to drown out the ache, I look to Western.
“Before we start,” I say, “I want assurance that I can stay here until such time that I leave this town. For right now, this is the only place that I’m even remotely safe.”
“Care to tell us why that is?” Western murmurs, crossing his arms.
“No,” I answer simply.
“The next thing, don’t ask about my mother. It won’t matter what you do, I won’t give you a damned thing when it comes to her. I will, however, give you information that will direct you right into the world you’re looking at bringing down, and the man who runs it.”
“Marek,” Mex growls.
I want to tell him no, but I can’t do that.
They need to think that’s where this is going to take them.
Here’s hoping what they really find will distract them enough.
“Yes,” I mutter.
“You know how to get to him so why the fuck won’t you just get us in there?” Colt questions, his eyes narrowed.
I laugh because his question is nothing short of laughable. “First of all, I will never, not fucking ever, do that. Second of all, if you think you can just ‘get’ in there, then you’re so sadly mistaken. I’m not certain you’re fully aware of just how powerful this man is. You take him down slowly, little by little, you don’t just go in guns ablaze.”
They don’t say anything.
“So, you are aware,” I go on. “Good, then we’re on the same page. Do we have an agreement?”
They all nod.
I nod in return. “Then let’s get started.”
Here goes nothing.
Seemingly having accepted the information I provided, the meeting comes to a close and I’m shown a room right at the back of the house that I can stay in. I’m also told that if I so much as dare try and double cross them, I’ll end up with a bullet in my skull. Western’s exact words. It doesn’t bring me any kind of comfort, but this is the only option I have, so I guess I’ll just have to take the risk.
I take my things and settle myself into the small, but comfortable room. The window overlooks a shed that I’m certain Western currently resides and a heap of woodland at the back. Shoving open the window, a fresh breeze trickles in. I close my eyes, taking it in for a moment. Stomach grumbling, I turn and glance around the room. I need to eat soon, but that means going into town and right now, I’m too tired.
The bed pressed up against the wall looks incredibly inviting. It’s only a double, maybe, and the sheets don’t look all that clean, which means I am going to have to change them before I can get some rest. Frustrated, I go over to the bed and pull them off, taking note of the white stains. “Fucking dirty bikers,” I grumble, tossing them onto the floor along with the comforter and pillowcase.
Fuck washing them, I’m going to buy some.
I guess a trip into town is on the cards.
Exhaling, I get changed and then walk out of the room and back into the garage where everyone is back to sitting around, smoking drugs and drinking.
“Any one of you feel like giving me a ride?” I ask.
Fury looks up from his current inhale of a bong. Slowly, he pushes the smoke out of his mouth and grins. “I’ll take you.”
Mex gives him a look that is less than impressive. “No, you fuckin’ won’t. I’ll take you in.”
Fury grins. “Anyone would think you’re invested.”