I give him a small smile. “Well, I better go. The club won’t trust me if I don’t show up with something. I told them I would if they promised I could stay there.”

“Don’t get involved with that biker, Acacia,” Jayme calls as I turn toward the door. “You’ll end up hurt.”

Too late for that.

Leaving his place, I get an Uber out to the clubhouse. Marek contacted me, as he said he would, and gave me information to pass onto the club. For a while, they’ll think it leads to him, but when they realize who it really leads to, the hope is they’ll focus on that and that will give Marek time to get out of town and make it even harder for him to be located. With time, their focus will hopefully remain on Ivan and stopping him.

It's what I’m praying for, at least.

Marek has ordered me to check in with him in two days, face to face. It’s safe to say, I’m not looking forward to that, but if I want him on my side then I have to follow his instruction above all else. It’s when I plan on asking to make a deal with him. I have no idea if he’ll go for it, but it’s my last hope.

Arriving at the clubhouse, I’m let straight in.

I know they’re waiting for me.

Without missing a beat, I walk through the main house and into the garage off to the side where they’re currently sitting. Marijuana smoke fills the room, and music plays in the background as they mill around, drinking and smoking, some of them polishing their bikes, others playing pool. A chilly evening is clearly on the cards, and I can’t say I’m disappointed.

My entire body is still sore.

I’ve cleaned the wounds every day, but I’m struggling to come out of this one.

I’m lethargic and tired, my energy levels low.

It probably doesn’t help that I’ve barely eaten.

Colt notices me first and pushes to his feet, Myla next to him. Her eyes move to me, and I can see she is fighting back the urge to rush over. She gives me a helpless look and blows me a kiss.

“Night,” Colt calls, and Western turns from his place at the pool table, Bonnie by his side.

The moment Bonnie notices me, she drops the pool cue and comes running over, skidding to a stop with her arms outstretched. Thinking twice, she drops them to her side and says, “I heard you were in a bad way. Oh, honey, are you okay?”

I don’t know why she’s being so nice to me. Technically, I’m the enemy. She must see something in me that I don’t even see in myself because not once has she cast judgement on me.

I smile at her. “Sore, but alive.”

“We’ve got a meeting with Acacia,” Western tells Bonnie, stepping up beside her. “Then you can speak with her.”

Bonnie gives him a look, but the way he simmers her down with a simple scowl is impressive. Exhaling, she nods and turns, walking over to sit by Myla.

“Upstairs,” Western orders.

“Where is Mex?” I ask, glancing around the room.

“He’s busy.”


He doesn’t want to be here for this? Considering the lengths he has gone to get this information, I’m surprised.

Turning, the two men walk toward the stairs and I follow them. We head toward Western’s quarters, because I can’t call it an office. It just doesn’t sound right. As we’re passing Mex’s room, the door opens, and I’m shocked to see him appear, wearing only a pair of jeans, with a beautiful blond woman behind him. It catches me off guard, especially when I take in her beautiful body dressed only in lacy underwear. She’s stunning, and it hits me right in the heart.

I wish it wouldn’t, but I can’t stop the jealousy that captures me in that moment.

Mex’s eyes move to me, and then he casts a look toward Colt so vile it makes me wonder if they were trying to keep him out of it on purpose.

“You fuckin’ told me she wasn’t comin’ for another two hours.”


I’m right.

“You’re too close to this, Mex,” Western says, calmly, his voice steady. “Gotta take a step back.”

“Fuck that,” Mex growls. “I’m involved.”

“You don’t make the choices around here,” Western snaps, stepping up to Mex.

The two men stand, eye to eye, unwavering.

“If Mex can’t be involved, then I won’t tell you what I know,” I say.

Even though the way my stomach is twisting right now makes me want to scream, I know that I need Mex on my side. He’s the only one who ever gives me the slightest chance. The look Western gives me should bring me to my knees, but it doesn’t.

“I don’t care about your fucking club rules. If you want what I have, you’ll let him in. Otherwise, I’m out. Trust me, nothing you can do will make me talk so if you want it, you need to let him in. Believe me, there is nothing that you need to worry about between the two of us.”