I already know it is.

Reaching for my shirt, I take it and pull it up and over my head. Then, unclipping my bra, I throw it on the ground. Next comes the pants and underwear, until I’m standing fully naked. Marek, who is facing the window, hasn’t even turned. He’s waiting – he knows that I know the rules by now. It does not matter to him that I’ve been locked up. He doesn’t care if I’m clean, dirty or otherwise.

You follow his rules or you suffer the consequences.

Exhaling, I walk over to the long wooden piece of furniture that runs along the wall, holding all his photos. There is a gap in between, there always has been. Sliding my bottom onto the cool timber, I spread my legs and then I wait. This is how it goes with him, I’ve tried not to do it and only ended up regretting it. I wonder if he does this to every female, or if I’m the only lucky one. He likes to make sure you know just how powerful he is by submitting to him at all times.

Slowly, Marek turns and his eyes rake over me, then they flash with displeasure. I know I’ve lost a little bit of weight, and that’s because I’ve barely eaten in the last week and a half. He’ll have questions, of course, and I’m still working out how I’ll answer them without it becoming a problem – a problem that I’ll end up having to take care of amongst other things.

Reaching into his coat, he pulls out his knife.

I swallow the thick lump in my throat and watch the shiny blade as he passes it from hand to hand as he nears. Stopping in front of me, his cool hand reaches forward, cupping my chin and forcing my eyes to lock with his. He’s terrifying, and yet my body betrays me by becoming aroused.

“You know how this goes, Acacia. Answer me honestly.”

I know how it goes, alright. The long, jagged scar on my inner thigh is a reminder of what Marek is willing to do when he doesn’t get what he wants. I’ve lied to him only once in my life, and I immediately regretted my decision to do so. Bringing the knife up, he gently places it between my breasts. It’s sharp, but he never puts enough pressure to cut my flesh unless he needs to. Slowly, he begins dragging the blade softly over my skin.

“Where were you?”

“In a container in the middle of the woods.”

The knife pauses, and his eyes hold mine.


Stomach twisting, I know I’m going to have to tell him as much as I possibly can, because if I don’t, I’m not walking out of here. He’ll find out the truth, one way or another, and I don’t have time to be victim to another person wanting answers. This man scares me far more than that club, so I know that it’ll be him who calls the shots here. It’ll be him I work with. It’ll be him I give my loyalty to. Because, in the end, it’ll be him that keeps me alive.

“Someone wanted my mother’s location, and ...”

I hesitate.

The knife pushes into my skin, just enough to break it and cause a sting to travel through. The burning sensation remains as he holds the knife there, just enough to pierce my skin and make a trickle of blood run down my flesh. Gritting my teeth, I continue.

“They also wanted information on you and your operations.”

The pressure releases, just a touch.

He keeps dragging the blade down, stopping at my belly button. He doesn’t care that he drags blood with it. Hell, this knife has probably seen more blood than I dare to even imagine.


This is the part I’m nervous about.

If I tell him, then I’ll have to get involved, and I really don’t want to get involved. If I lie, it’s my life on the line. Even though I know it’s Marek I’ll choose to work with, if I can get away with it, it would be better for me. I have enough to deal with, I’d rather not have to handle the club at the same time as everything else. I should have rethought my decision to get involved with them to begin with.

Oh well, it is what it is.

I dare to attempt a lie and see if I can get away with it.

“I don’t, he didn’t tell me who he was.”

The knife presses into my skin, harder this time, making a little popping sound as it breaks through the flesh. I grit my teeth, not crying out, not giving him a single reaction as blood slowly trickles down my belly. This fucker won’t stop. I know it. He’ll push that knife into my flesh deeper and deeper until he gets the answers he wants.