It's huge in here, with all sorts of contraptions hanging from the roof. These women do acts that are out of this world, swinging from heights like that. It is unique, though, and unlike any other traveling shows. This one is dangerous – they take their acts to the edge of insanity, the kind of danger that has your toes curling if you’re in the audience. Lives simply do not matter to Marek, and he’s willing to put them at risk to have the audience so shocked that they won’t ever stop talking.

That’s how he makes it.

There is nobody in the main area, so I walk past all the equipment and toward the back exit where Marek has a huge RV that is always parked right behind the tent. As I pass one of the back rooms, I pause, and my mouth drops open. There, a woman is on her knees, completely naked, a gag in her mouth, a collar around her throat, her head dropped. She is alone, and it looks like she has been there for quite some time. The ground beneath her has changed appearance because she has been in that same spot.

I turn, wanting to walk toward her, to make sure she is okay, but a voice calls my name. A voice that has chills creeping up my spine, my entire body turning to stone. It’s a voice that makes everything inside you stand on high alert, your fight or flight response kicking into overdrive. It’s like your body knows just simply by hearing the roughness of his tone that you’re in danger.

Slowly, I face the man who has just stepped into the area I’m now standing.

If you were to cast your eyes on Marek and not know a thing about him, you would think he is the most dazzling man you ever had the pleasure of laying your gaze upon. That’s so far from the truth, though. You have to look past the long, thick, dark hair that he currently has tied back, you have to ignore the crystal blue eyes that settle into his perfect creamy skin. His face is shadowed with a beard, but that doesn’t hide the scar that runs down his cheek. His body is covered in tattoos; I only know that because I’ve seen him naked.

Don’t get me started on that body. Oh, heaven. Rippled, like smooth stone, his muscles strong and perfectly sculpted. His body is powerful, and he knows it. His cock, oh, his cock ... Pierced perfection. Just thinking about it has my legs clenching together. To fuck Marek is an experience you’ll never forget in your life, but if you don’t follow his rules, he can make you feel a kind of pain that is unimaginable. He’s rough, he’s mean, and he’s dangerous.

“You weren’t going to attempt to free my pet, were you, Acacia?”

His voice is strong and thick with that Russian accent that makes my toes curl. He speaks calmly most of the time because he doesn’t have to raise his voice to make you afraid of him. Just being in front of him is enough to make everything inside you flare to life and switch into fight or flight.

“I wouldn’t dare,” I say, my voice shaky.

I need to get my confidence, and I need it right this fucking second. You cannot be around Marek without knowing your own strength, because if you’re even slightly hesitant, he will break you. Not only will he break you, but he will also crush you into a thousand tiny pieces that you could never possibly put back together.

That’s the kind of power he holds.

“I’ve been waiting for you. I don’t like being ignored.”

Oh, don’t I know it.

“You weren’t being ignored,” I say, crossing my arms. “I got into some trouble.”

He tips his head to the side, and with one look he can tell if I’m lying.


I swallow.

Does pity mean he believes me, or does pity mean I’m in deep shit?

“Are you going to invite me in?” I throw at him, pursing my lips.

His mouth twitches, just slightly.

Then he turns, the long dark coat he always wears swooshing as he walks into the RV. I follow him, the nerves in my stomach making it hard to fight back my vomit. Something about this man terrifies me, and that isn’t something I’ve felt a lot in my life. I’ve met some of the worst people, but they’re outwardly bad, like they want you to know it. Marek isn’t like that, he’s calm and collected, yet at the flip of a switch he would end you and then wipe his knife and carry on with his day without a single flinch.

Stepping into the all-too-familiar RV, I already know how it goes.

I don’t need to ask.

I don’t even need to question if this is what he’ll want me to do.