I felt several hands on me but didn’t open my eyes, too lost in my own pain. I was being pulled to the deeper end of the pool. My body floated back as someone placed themselves between my legs. I felt another one of them behind my head, supporting my back.

“Open your eyes, Zelladine. I want you to watch what I do to your body,” murmured Troylus.

Slowly my eyes flicked open. My wet skin glistened, its pale, creamy texture tinted a light pink from the warmth of the water. Troylus was standing between my legs, his open mouth poised over my cunny.

“I want you to cum on my mouth,” he said, his voice a harsh rasp.

Moaning, I shook my head no. “I can’t. The ice. The ice hurts too much. My stomach…everything is cramping.”

“Use the pain, Zelladine. Turn it into pleasure.”

Troylus used his thumbs to part the folds of my cunny. Leaning down, he flicked the tip of his tongue over the sensitive nub. My whole body jolted from the impact. As Troylus continued to torture my cunny with flicks and swirls of his tongue, the other men joined in.

The harsh cracking sound of crunching grabbed my attention. Gripir and Sigmun were on either side of my floating body, holding my arms. They opened their mouths to show shards of ice slowly melting on their tongues. Sigmun winked at me before leaning down to capture my nipple and pull it deep into his mouth.

“No! Oh! Oh!” I cried out as his cold tongue bathed my warm flesh.

Gripir then did the same. With a dark glint to his eyes, he used his teeth to gently bite down on my nipple as he swiped a shard of ice from inside his mouth over the tip.

It was too much. I felt overwhelmed and confused. Dizzy with emotion.

I was at once hot and cold. The warmth of the water as it floated over my body only heightened the chill of the men’s mouths on my nipples and the ice rod placed firmly inside my tight bottom. All the while, Troylus feasted on my cunny, forcing a response from me.

Regin leaned down to whisper in my ear. “Get used to this, your highness. We have finally captured our queen. The game is won. You are ours now. Submit. You have no other choice.”

The guttural rasp of his voice as he uttered his possessive words sent me over the edge.

Screaming, my body bowed upward in their grasp as I cried out for more pain. “Bite me. Harder. Harder. Make it hurt! Oh! Yes!”

“With pleasure,” breathed Gripir against my flesh as his sharp teeth almost pierced my skin.

Sigmun did the same to my other nipple as he reached under my floating body and painfully forced two fingers inside my cold, clenched bottom.

At that moment, Troylus scraped the edges of his teeth against my clit.

My world exploded in a shower of color and light as pleasure was torn from the grasp of pain.

Afterward, we all lowered our bodies deeper into the hot springs, letting the water lap at our necks and shoulders. With my eyes half-closed, I looked at each of them. So similar in bearing and purpose yet each his own man. I really had grown quite fond of all of them…and our games.

“So, what happens now?” I asked, almost afraid of the answer.

“What do you mean?” responded Gripir, his eyes still closed as he leaned his head back on one of the icy boulders.

“Well, you no longer serve that odious man, Basil. You now know that Briar Rose is happy and safe. So…I suppose your work here…and with me…is finished.”

I was surprised at the feeling of sadness that enveloped me at my words. I had always assumed it was my loss of powers which made me susceptible to mortal emotions of pain, love and loss but that was not so. My powers were fully restored and yet I still felt those same vulnerable emotions. It must be these men. I’d known from the moment I’d met them they were different from all the other mortals I had encountered and now I knew why. They were the ones who truly had all the power…over me.

“Now why would you think something like that?” asked Sigmun.


“Tut, tut,” teased Regin, using one of my own favorite phrases. “Does she really think we are done punishing her for her transgressions?”

“Punishing me? But I…I made my penance with you in the dungeon and you have punished me just now for my lying!”

Troylus shook his head. “There is still the running away to consider.”

Regin chimed in. “And the putting us in the dungeon in the first place.”

“And don’t forget that disgusting fare she had Snow feed us,” offered Gripir.

“You can’t blame me for Snow’s terrible cooking!” I objected.

“Yes, but I can blame you for subjecting us to it,” countered Gripir.