Troylus lifted me high in his arms before stepping over the boulders of ice into the warm water. We both let out an appreciative groan as the heated liquid rushed over our chilled skin. Regin, Gripir and Sigmun soon followed.

“I didn’t know what I wanted more, Zell’s tight cunt or a bath,” teased Sigmun as he splashed water over his face.

Troylus did the same, washing away the dried blood from the gash over his eye.

Floating in the warm water, I enjoyed watching the men bathe their strong, heavily muscled bodies. The calm after the storm of battle. Or was it the calm before another battle?

“Does this mean I am forgiven?” I asked saucily.

Four pairs of hostile eyes turned to me.

“Not even close, Zella,” intoned Regin as he made a move toward me.

“What do you say, men? Shall we show Zelladine how displeased we are at her subterfuge?” asked Troylus.

“Absolutely,” responded Gripir as he reached over the stones for a knife secured to the waistband of his breeches.

My mouth opened but words failed me. Fear crept over me as he unsheathed the knife and flipped it around in his palm.

Keeping his eyes trained on me, he raised his arm high and stabbed the boulder of ice to my right. Small flecks of ice hit the tops of my breasts and shoulders as he worked a large piece of ice free. Tossing the knife aside, he held the ice in his palm. Rubbing and shaping it. The ice transformed from a jagged chunk into an oblong object from the heat of his hands.

Fascinated, I watched the play of light as it bounced and sparkled off the smooth, shining piece of ice crystal.

“Men,” said Gripir with a nod.

Hands gripped my shoulders as I was hauled backward. “Hey!” I cried out as Troylus and Regin reached beneath the water to raise my knees high.

Pressed between their two large bodies, I was held aloft, my legs spread and open. My cunny on full display.

“Put me down! What are you doing?” I cried out.

With the backs of his fingers, Sigmun stroked the fine hair of my cunny. “It’s time for your punishment, Zell. You’ve been very, very bad, indeed.”

Troylus and Regin effortlessly tilted me back further, forcing my hips higher above the water. I felt Sigmun stroke a single fingertip over my tight, puckered hole.

With horrified clarity, I realized what my punishment was to be.

“No! No! I don’t want to play this game!”

“You have no choice! And remember…using magic is cheating,” warned Troylus gruffly.

I knew better than to try my spells on them. Still, I was not sure I would be able to endure what they had planned for me.

Sigmun placed his hand under my bottom on my lower back, steadying me. Stepping aside, he nodded to Gripir who took a step before me. The hot spring was shallow on this end, so the water barely reached above his hips. I could see the head of his cock as it bobbed with each movement of the water. Holding the large piece of ice aloft for my fearful gaze, he then lowered his arm and positioned the ice rod at my hidden entrance.

My legs clenched, trying to close as I fought against Troylus’ and Regin’s grip. The first kiss of the ice sent a bolt of pained awareness up each of my limbs.

“Oh! Damn! No! It’s cold! You can’t!”

Gripir touched the ice to my dark hole again, this time applying pressure. My body trembled from overexertion as much as from the icy contact.

As he applied more pressure, the ice melted and became slicker. With a final push, the tip popped inside my body. Everything inside of me tightened and clenched. I started to whimper as I still weakly struggled against the hard grip of Troylus and Regin.

“Thrust it in deep, Gripir,” cheered on Sigmun.

Gripir’s teeth clenched as he tightened his grip on the slippery ice rod and pushed harder, forcing the object deeper into my warm body.

I screamed in agony as the ice caused painful cramps up my back and around my stomach.

“Take it out! Take it out! Please!” I begged.

None of the men listened. This was my well-earned punishment and I was going to take it whether I liked it or not.

Sigmun pried my cheeks open wider as Gripir used the center of his palm to push the ice shaft all the way in. My body swallowed it whole.

This was worse than any pain I had experienced so far. It made me long for the heat of their palms from a spanking or the warmth of their cocks inside of me. Anything to stop the piercing bite of the ice.

Troylus and Regin released their grip on my body. I slid down into the warm water. Instead of comforting me, it only increased the disparity between the warmth of my skin and the frigid shaft up my bottom. I squeezed my eyes tightly shut as I gritted my teeth. My whole body began to tremble and shake from the strain.