“See that the warden releases their wrists and only manacles them by the feet so that they may eat their meal with relish,” I ordered.

Leaving Snow and Briar chatting about being newly married wives, I tiptoed down the dungeon stairs to see how my men were getting along.

Peeking around the corner, I observed them unnoticed.

They were all sitting in a circle around Snow’s pot of stew. Their arms were free, but each had a heavy ankle manacle.

Well, I wasn’t about to make it too easy for them. What fun was there in that?

“I think the huntsmen may be trying to kill us,” said Troylus as he poked at the fast-hardening stew.

“What kind of animal could this be?” asked Regin.

“Somehow it seems crueler to not just kill the beast but to make it suffer the indignity of becoming…whatever this is,” offered Sigmun as he sniffed at his bowl before turning his head away with a grimace.

“Seriously, do you think the huntsmen are trying to kill us? It’s the only explanation I can think of as to why they would send Snow here with this…hateful weapon,” observed Troylus.

Ever the thoughtful one, Regin offered, “Maybe Snow is just a bad cook?”

“No one. No one…is as bad a cook as this!” chimed in Gripir. “I think this is definitely an act of war.” With that, he pushed the whole pot over to let the stew ooze over the straw and down the drain in the center of the chamber.

“A key!” called out Troylus as they all scrambled to rescue the key from the gooey mess before it fell between the drain slats.

Shaking the gloppy gray substance from the shaft of the key, Troylus tried it in his lock. The manacle clicked open.

With a cheerful shout, they pushed out their shackled legs for Troylus to unlock the chains as each of them began to talk over the other with plans on how to retrieve their weapons and escape the castle.

Turning, I headed back up the stairs. I did not have much time.

Making my escape, I fled into the forest.

Now I would learn the truth about my men. Either they would chase after me…or they would return to their mercenary pursuits.

I did hope they chose the former. I had grown quite fond of each of them…as well as the games we played. I realized now how tiring and uneventful my life had become before them. There was something numbing about always having someone at your command…to bow and scrape. Never anyone to challenge or cross you. It had become boring!

Then these men forced their way into my life and everything came alive.

My blood charged at just the thought of their coarse words and rough commands. How they forced me to bend to their will. It was infuriating and thrilling all at the same time. I loved the rush from feeling the bite of pain followed by the relief of pleasure. The exhilarating confusion of being both bound and free.

I now wanted it…needed it…craved it.

I would hate to give it all up just because of a tiny misunderstanding over me lying about killing their princess and then trapping them in a dungeon!


A deep rumbling noise broke the quiet of the forest from the north.

They had found me. They had chosen me after all, I thought with a smile.

Knowing my men would be resourceful in securing weapons and their horses once I gave them a little help with those pesky ankle shackles, I headed to the hot springs. I had recently spied the huntsmen disciplining Snow there. I shall never forget her look of blissful satisfaction as each man took a turn pleasuring her.

I wanted that.

After doing my penance before the men earlier, my body still hummed, needing release. The kind of release only my kingsmen could give me.

The kingsmen stormed into the clearing, each astride a mighty beast. Gripir had barely waited for his horse to slow his stride before leaping from the animal’s back.

Stalking toward me, he grabbed my gown by the front and yanked me to his chest. “Get these damn clothes off right now.”

A thrill danced and swirled deep in my breast as I boldly leaned forward and whispered, “You’re going to have to tear them off me.”

Gripir smiled. It was the first time I had ever seen him express such a cheerful emotion.

A moment later, he fisted the material of my gown and viciously wrenched it from my body.

Let the games begin.

Smiling, I raised my arms. A soft green mist rose in a circle around the clearing, enclosing the large rocks of ice with the pool of warm water nestled in the center. The huntsmen would just have to wait before they returned to their favorite spring. Each of the kingsmen stripped off their torn and dirty clothes. When they stalked before me, I both felt and saw their hunger.