“I prefer Zell.”

“You are not to call me that!”

He laughed and patted my leg again. “It’s funny that you believe I was asking.”

Before I could respond, Sigmun lifted me off the table and cradled me in his arms as Troylus had done earlier. For a moment, I considered resisting, but with the size of his arms, the hardness of his muscled chest, and the determination set in the features of his face, I knew it would be futile to try to escape. I refused to hang on to his neck, however, so my arms dangled limply instead. I also refused to rest my head against the warmth of his body, so I defiantly turned it to the side and tried to ignore the smell of masculinity oozing from every inch of my new captor.

He walked in silence as he carried me down a series of halls and up several flights of stairs. I attempted to take stock of my surroundings, though there was very little to see other than gray, stone walls, and dark wood doors. The hallways were illuminated by fire torches and candlesticks, but no sign of art, tapestries or rugs. Cold. Barren.

When he opened the door at the end of the hallway and crossed the threshold with me still in his arms, he said, “Welcome to your new home.”

“No dungeon?” I asked snidely, surprised to see the comforts of a bedchamber.

“You are still a lady, my queen. We are the mighty kingsmen. Not beasts like the wolves in the forest who fight your dark forces.” He chuckled lightly. “We can sometimes be gentlemen, and I suppose this is one of those times. A lady deserves a bed and a warm fire while in slumber. But when awake”—his chuckle turned to a full laugh—“you are no lady, and we are no gentlemen.”

He stood me on the cold stone floor and walked over to the fireplace. I was still by the door and considered running, but the purple haze from outside illuminating the room through the window reminded me of my lack of power. I could run, but he would catch me. I was no fool and had to plan my attack strategy wisely.

“You surprise me, Zell,” he said as he squatted down by the hearth and began building a fire. “I thought I had a chase in store for me. I was prepared to at least break a sweat.”

“If you think I am afraid of—”

“Oh, I would never presume a woman of your power would be afraid of us…yet,” he interrupted. “But give us time.” He never looked at me once while he stoked the burgeoning fire. “There’s a water basin over by the bed. Clean yourself.”

I walked over toward the small table beside the bed where a basin full of clean water sat. I did so not because Sigmun commanded it, but because I did want to maintain some sense of dignity, and standing naked in a room with the smell of a man’s completion on me was not the way to do so.

When I finished washing my body and cooling the heat from my punished breasts and pussy, I turned to find Sigmun standing by the bed with a dressing gown in his hand.

“You can wear this tonight. You’ll be sleeping in here until tomorrow.”

Surprised by the fact that the man was truly treating me more like a guest than a prisoner, I walked over to the edge of the bed with my hand outstretched to take the purple garment.

“But first, I must prepare you for tomorrow.”

“Prepare?” I asked, dropping my hand by my side, realizing Sigmun was just teasing me with the clothing and the thought of resting my head on the pillow and finding comfortable sleep which I desperately needed.

“You’ll thank me for it, Zell. You will most certainly thank me for it later.” Sigmun snickered, clearly finding amusement in some knowledge I was not privy to. He pointed to the bed. “Bend over the edge.”

I opened my mouth to speak, but no words came out.

“Troylus focused on punishing the front half of your body, but the back side is just waiting to be claimed as well. I have a feeling that tight little arsehole of yours will need some stretching before one of my fellow kingsmen does so.”

Any retort that would have shot out of my mouth in disgust was swallowed up by shock and morbid curiosity. When I didn’t move, the light in Sigmun’s eyes and the smile that had been mostly on his face since meeting him dissipated.

“I am a jovial man, Zell. I can even be a kind man. But I am not a patient man.” He pointed at the bed. “Bend over the bed, or I will force you to. And trust me, if I must force you to, there will be consequences.”