Odin placed the basket of apples on a tree trunk that served as a table by the bed.

“Sit on the bed, Snow.”

I did as I was told. I had been with all the other huntsmen accept for Odin. The others had pushed my endurance for both pain and pleasure. I had to admit I was curious to see if Odin, the shyest of them all, would do the same.

I watched as he took out a long, vicious-looking knife. After selecting one perfect red apple, he slowly began to cut it in half. The knife sliced through the crisp white pulp of the apple over and over again, methodically cutting it into slices.

Holding the blade of the knife up to my lips, one perfect apple slice clinging to its sharp metal surface, he said, “Take a bite.”

Holding his gaze, I leaned forward and wrapped my lips around the apple slice, careful to avoid the edge of the blade. The sweet-tart flavor made my cheeks and tongue tingle.

“Do you want me to take off my clothes?” I whispered.


Odin crossed the room and sat on a nearby chair, watching me as I rose up on my knees on the bed. Keeping my eyes on him, I slowly unbuttoned my vest. Tossing the garment aside, I slipped the thin linen shirt over my head. I gloried in how his eyes darkened and his hand paused halfway to his mouth with an apple slice of his own. Feeling emboldened, I cupped my breasts and dug my fingers into the soft flesh. They felt heavy and swollen, the rough contact of my own hands making me moan.

Standing, I slipped off my slippers and then removed my skirt.

My momentary courage faltered as I stood before him naked and vulnerable.

“Crawl to me,” he commanded, his voice low and husky.

After a moment’s hesitation, I fell to all fours. Wincing as my knees pressed against the hard floor, I slowly crawled across the room. Positioned between his open legs, I waited for his next command. He held the knife to my lips again. I took the sweet slice of fruit.

Odin then reached into his trousers and pulled free his massive shaft. I fell back on my ankles as I took in the length and breadth of him.

“Open your mouth,” he commanded.

Squeezing my lips tight, I shook my head no as I fell back further.

Odin’s arm snatched me back by my hair. “Open your mouth.”

Gone was the sweet and bashful man. His authoritative tone showed me he would tolerate no disobedience. My lips trembled as I opened them.

“Wider,” he demanded.

I opened them wider just as he pushed the head of his cock forward. Forcing the shaft straight to the back of my throat, my shoulders heaved as I gagged.

“Breathe through your nose.”

Doing as I was told, I tried to calm my racing heart and rising panic as he used his grip on my hair to force my mouth up and down his shaft. Thinking to my time with Magni where I was forced to perform a similar act underwater, I tried to concentrate on holding my breath and relaxing my throat. Though I’d had others in my mouth, I had a feeling Odin, like Magni, was not going to be the least bit gentle.

The earthy taste of sweat and musk filled my mouth as his cock slid over my tongue. Unbidden, my tongue moved and swiped the underside of his shaft.

Each time he pulled my head forward, my body trembled as I tried to suppress my natural reaction to having something shoved deep in my throat. My fingernails dug into the soft skin of his inner thighs as I tried to push my head back.

“Lick the shaft. Get it nice and wet.”

Since he had pulled free of my mouth, I gratefully did as I was told. Grasping the thick bottom half of his cock, wondering at how it could feel so soft yet hard at the same time, I ran my tongue up the length, swirling the tip over the sensitive head as I tasted his essence.

“Again. Nice and wet.”

I licked and laved his shaft again till the skin glistened in the dim candlelight.

“Turn around. Put your face on the floor, and keep your ass high.”

Obeying, I placed my heated cheek on the cool wood surface of the floor, nestling my bottom between his thighs.

The moment his large hands parted my bottom cheeks, I rose up on my hands. “Oh please! Please don’t put it there! It hurts! I hate it there,” I whined.

My outburst earned me a sharp spank on my right buttock.

“You will learn to like having a cock up your ass, Snow. Perhaps I shall discuss some training for you with the other men. Would you like to spend your day with a smooth wooden rod shoved in your ass to help you learn your place?”