Then…he did the unthinkable.

As he thrust, he reached between my legs and stroked my sensitive nub. The confusing mixture of pain and pleasure was too much for my already agitated state.

“You’re such a dirty little thing. You like my cock up your ass. You like the pain. Admit it.”

I looked between my legs to where he stood. His skin glistened with a sheen of sweat, the shifting glimmer of the candlelight enhancing the edged grooves of muscle and sinew on his body. Fixing me with a dark, fierce gaze, he bared his teeth from the exertion. The very epitome of raw, primal power…of man…of a man claiming what was his…by force.

“Yes, damn you! Yes!” I screeched like a harridan as I actually shifted my hips to force my body to sway into his…to force his cock deeper into my ass.

Just as I felt my release crest, he pinched my nub, the spark of pain pushing me over the edge.

I heard his roar of completion as he released his seed deep inside my body…deep inside my ass.

I could only whimper and sigh as he lowered my body to the floor and released me from my leather binds. I could feel his seed trickle out of my now stretched and open hole as he wrapped me in a blanket and carried me downstairs.


Wrapped in my soft cocoon, I pretended to sleep while I heard the other huntsmen enter the cabin.

Dagr had me on his lap before the fireplace. Insisting I eat, he’d spoon-fed me stew like a child till I had drifted off to sleep. The bustling and loud entrance of the other men woke me.

“Quiet. The lass is sleeping.”

“Had a rough time of it did she?” said Freyr, a knowing lilt to his words.

Under my lashes, I could see Tore give him a punch on the arm. “You know the rules. We don’t discuss each other’s time with Snow.”

It was comforting to know they didn’t discuss my shameful reactions to their touches and punishments amongst one another.

“We have a problem,” said Magni. His voice held an unusually serious tone.

“There is talk in the village that Snow is not dead,” said Jerrik.

“How is that possible? The queen accepted the boar’s heart for Snow’s without question,” responded Dagr.

Sitting on a bench next to Dagr, Odin explained, “Apparently, us buying the lass’s frippery and finery was remarked upon in the village. It’s also been noticed that we haven’t been spending any time at the pub or pursuing other amusements in the last weeks.”

“For all her faults, the queen is a smart woman,” said Freyr.

Nodding toward Jerrik, Steen said, “Jerrik overheard some of the serving girls talking about how erratic the queen has become of late. They even overheard the queen cursing the huntsmen and threatening revenge. Talk of finishing the deed herself. It has started the rumor that perhaps the queen was not honest about Snow being killed by marauders.”

With my own head still on his shoulder as I pretended to sleep, I could feel Dagr shake his head. “I don’t like this, men. We knew our plan to save the lass for ourselves instead of killing her was a risky one, but I think I speak plainly for us all when I say we didn’t expect to feel for the lass as we do now. I, for one, have no intention of letting her go.”

There was a chorus of agreement from the men.

“You know this is insanity. If we were smart, we would give the girl some money and send her as far away as possible,” reasoned Tore. “It’s the safest option for the lass and for us. It was also what we always intended to do once we had our fill.”

I could feel Dagr’s hold on my body tense as he instinctively pulled me tighter to him.

There was a long, heavy silence.

“Well men, do you think that’s what we should do?” asked Dagr gruffly.

My stomach clenched at the thought. The confusing reality was I didn’t want to go back to the silence and isolation of being alone. I had grown to love the energy, noise, and passion of my new life with the huntsmen. I waited, barely daring to breathe, for their answer.

“No,” came Magni’s decided answer. “The lass is ours and I say we stay and fight for her. The girl deserves a home and a life. I’m not going to let some bitter queen take that away from her.”

“I’m with Magni. Snow’s home is with us where we can protect her. I say she stays,” said Freyr.

“And the rest?” asked Dagr.

Desperately I tried to peek from beneath my lashes, but I could not see what they were about. In my heart I hoped they were nodding yes.

“Then so say we all. The lass stays.”

I felt Dagr rise. “Jerrik, will you take Snow to your room for the night? Watch over her and keep her occupied while the rest of us plan our defense against the queen.”