So far, I had only experienced them one at a time with the exception of my punishment with Freyr and Steen. What would it be like to have that intense attention from all of them at the same time, my wicked mind wondered unbidden? Confused and shocked by the nature of my thoughts, I concentrated on quickly donning the new clothing.

I was pleased and proud when they clapped and whistled their appreciation for how I looked. They made me twirl and dance about so they could all get a look at my new attire. A few of them even took me into their arms and showed me the steps of a country jig.

Yes, I was definitely enjoying this strange new existence of mine.


“No!” I shouted with all my might. “I may be your prisoner but I am still a princess, not a scullery maid.”

“Lass, you will do as you are told. We all pull our weight here. Even you,” scolded Tore.

The atmosphere in the cabin had taken on a tense, dangerous feel. Tore was correct. Everyone did chores around the cabin, but I didn’t feel that should also include me. I might have been adapting to my new situation, but that didn’t mean I wasn’t still forced into it. In my mind, I was already doing my part by obeying their wicked demands in bed. Did I have to scrape and clean like a servant as well?

Crossing my arms over my chest, I became adamant. No matter what the punishment, I refused to be forced onto my knees to scrub the floor. It was one indignity too far in my estimation. Especially since it was likely to ruin my pretty new skirt.

“Men. Go without me. It is past time Snow received a punishment from me,” said Dagr as he lowered his gear to the floor and began to slowly unbutton the thick leather vest he always wore.

Lowering my arms, I looked about me. Out of all the men, I was most afraid of Dagr. With his dark eyes and lowered brow, it seemed as if a turbulent mood always simmered just below the calm surface of his regard.

Running over to Steen, the gentlest of the men, I grabbed his arm. “Please, don’t leave me with him.”

Steen shook his head, giving me a sympathetic look. “You brought this on yourself, little one.” He loosened my grip and followed the other men out the door.

The cabin descended into silence.

Dagr took a step forward.

Stretching my arm out in front of me, I cried out, “Stop! Don’t you come any closer!”

His only response was a deep chuckle as he began to roll up the linen cuffs of his sleeves.

I had only one choice…run.

Bolting for the stairs, my foot barely touched the smooth wood of the first step before a strong arm wrapped around my waist and snatched me up high. Bucking my hips as I kicked out, I called him every vile curse I had recently learned from overhearing the men’s conversations.

His only response was that infuriating chuckle.

Letting out a howl of frustration, I clawed at his arm around my waist, to no avail. He lifted me as if my weight was of no consequence and carried me to his bedroom.

The moment my feet touched the soft wool rug, I ran to the farthest corner. I had yet to be alone with Dagr and had never seen his inner sanctuary. Furtively looking about me, I was horrified to see every manner of wild beast staring back at me from the walls.

Vacant glassy eyes. Bared teeth. Vicious horns.

The entire chamber was an homage to Dagr’s dominance over these animals. A display of his superior strength and cunning. His trophies on display. I didn’t stand a chance.

“Please. Please. I’m sorry. I didn’t mean it. I’ll scrub the floors. Please!”

I watched in horror as he pulled his shirt over his head. His massive chest was only lightly dusted with coal black hair and covered in thick muscle, earned from hard labor. I could see faint pink scars from old injuries. Small circular starbursts from wounds of the past. Long, jagged lines from knives.

My inner thighs clenched. Despite my fear, I could feel a primal response to his display of brute, almost violent, strength. A deep feminine yearning. An ancient need to be claimed and protected by the fiercest and strongest of the clan.

I’d survived Freyr and Steen’s intense punishment.

I was not sure I would survive Dagr’s.

I tried to appease him again. “Please let me just scrub the floor. I will even wash all the clothes without the slightest complaint, just please…please…don’t punish me.”

Dagr reached for the heavy buckle of his thick leather belt.

As he loosened the strap, I shrank further back into the darkened corner, less afraid of the beasts on the wall than I was of the beast in front of me.